Scanning Drudge this morning a headline caught my eye from “Illegal immigrants chain themselves to White House fence.”
My curiosity stemmed from the subject itself, because I’ve never understood how “illegals” are here at all. From my understanding of the illegality, those without standing must either be deported or thrown in jail. But that certainly isn’t the case today, because undocumented aliens are everywhere.
The Times article by Stephen Dinan reports that the incumbent has actually “set records for deportations, removing about 400,000 people a year from the country, in order to be able to argue to conservatives that he is serious about enforcing immigration laws.”
However, Mr. Dinan goes on “He says he has tried to focus those deportation efforts on criminals and repeat-immigration violators, leaving most rank-and-file illegal immigrants in little danger of being deported.”
Furthermore, “A new report Monday by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse suggests the administration’s deportation efforts are increasingly missing their mark.”
So, here we have another case where the administration does what’s best for itself, regardless, ignoring laws while giving lip service and photo op’s to appease their base. Which leads me to wonder why neither group never seems to care about their nation or its laws at all.
In a similar vein, there are some others I wonder about as well.
For TV news, I frequently tune in Fox, and their business channel too, among many others. Quite often, to offset their conservative tendencies, they invite others to present what they promote as a fair and balanced approach to reporting and discussion. Frequent contributors include Juan Williams, Alan Colmes, Kirsten Powers, Bob Beckel, and Geraldo Rivera.
For the most part, I find Fox itself to take what seems to me as a straightforward approach, usually seeming direct, to the point, with little, if any, extreme bias or slant. Nonetheless, the network has a reputation as being harsh on liberal matters and often, strongly anti-administration.
Consequently, I get the sense that those who see themselves as the opposition to the Fox image often present arguments simply for the sake of doing so. Even when Fox staff presenter’s premises are precisely on point and correct. And therefore, simply in order to espouse a differing view, opposing contributors spout some of the most incredible, babbling, nonsensical blather I’ve ever heard.
And that brings me to my point for today. Because I’m sure these contributors receive compensation for their appearances, which is all well and good in a capitalistic society. But I wonder just how much its worth to permit yourself to be made to consistently look like and sound like an abject moron on national TV. And I know they have to be selling out for the money involved, because nobody on this planet, or any other, could actually be that dumb and survive.
That’s it for today folks.
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