According to Daniel Halper’s, The Blog in The Weekly Standard via Drudge, “Speaker of the House John Boehner says that he'll support President Obama's "call for action" in Syria," as follows:
"I appreciate the president reaching out to me and my colleagues in the Congress over the last couple of weeks. I also appreciate the president asking the Congress to support him in this action. This is something that the United States as a country needs to do. I'm going to support the president's call for action.
And now, I‘m wondering what the speaker received in return for his pledge. Because, while the incumbent’s proven countless times he knows less than nothing about foreign affairs, and the Middle-East in particular, he knows all about making Chicago style deals.
As far as this particular situation goes, however, the issue isn’t really about Syria at all, whereas that problem could have been solved two years ago if the incumbent had done his job. But since he didn’t, drawing a “red line” in the sand instead, he now has to get the egg off his face for the public.
Consequently, since for the incumbent image is far more important than substance, Mr. Boehner can probably extract quite a lot in return for his endorsement. Which means he likely has some serious choices to make. Should he ask for repeal of the health care tax? Securing the borders and real immigration reform? Opening the Keystone pipeline and closing the EPA? Ending the global warming farce? The list just goes on and on.
Now, obviously I haven’t any idea whatsoever of what the tradeoff will be, I only know that there'll be one. And for Mr. Boehner’s sake, and certainly for the rest of us, I hope that for once he gets it right.
Aside from the preceding problems, another seems to be gathering momentum rapidly for the incumbent and Al “Jazeera” Gore. because according to an Alaskan Weather and Climate Blog:via Drudge:
“A cold air mass and clear skies allowed for temperatures to plunge to record low levels in the northern Interior.
Most notably, Bettles recorded a low of 15ºF Saturday morning. This is by far the lowest temperature of record at Bettles in August. The previous record at the Bettles in August was 22ºF on August 30, 1969. At old Bettles, about four miles downriver from the current town site, a low of 20ºF was measured on August 24, 1948.
Other low temperatures included 17ºF at both Chandalar DOT and Coldfoot DOT and a chilly 13F at the Norutak Lake RAWS west of Bettles. These are close to, but not at the record low temperature for the month of August in the state.”
So, here we have further input directly refuting the existence of global warming. And if the misguided zealots and charlatans perpetuating this farce want to continue disguising their fraud by now calling temperature fluctuation “climate change,” that’s okay with me. But, I really think the time’s come that they state the change is quickly moving toward cooling like the facts are proving it is.
That’s it for today folks.
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