Not much going on in the news, except for the same old, same old, boring confirmation hearings for cabinet and administration posts. So, I decided to revisit yesterdays' subject, using bomb-equipped drones in warfare.
My reason for continuing on the topic, stems from the fact that in almost all cases where technological changes are employed for whatever reason, some advocate, group, or individual seems to come out of the woodwork to object, with or without good reason. And, I suspect in a nation of over 300 million people that’s really not too odd at all.
But in this particular case, whereas I think robotic bombing is a very good idea, especially since our military’s being withdrawn from some very sensitive hotbeds of potentially dangerous threats to our nation, I did some research to see who’s doing the objecting.
Thanks to Stuart Glascock of YES! on-line, I found that a woman named Medea Benjamin, is a peace activist and co-founder of something called Code Pink. And since one of her major concerns is that innocent civilians might be harmed due to a bomb drop, she’s leading a cause to stop the practice.
Now, according to Mr. Glascock, “drones have delivered bombs in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen—often killing civilians and inflaming hatred against the United States.” However, to my knowledge all of these nations aren’t particularly fond of us and have done plenty of harm themselves, which is what wars area all about.
And along those same lines, what about the two attacks on the World Trade Center, or the suicide attack against the USS Cole? In fact, there are many more so I included a link that you can look up yourself. Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans —
But after all’s said and done, I think that there’s a much better way to view Ms. Benjamin’s anti-advanced-technology premise that goes all the way back to the Coliseum in ancient Rome.
At that time a renegade slave was brought in as an example of what happens to those who try to escape. He was buried up to his neck in the middle of the huge arena, only his head above ground. A huge unfed, angry lion was released and began to circle his quarry. As the beast passed over the slave, before turning back to begin his attack, the slave bit him on his manly appendage causing the lion to squeal and run off in pain and fear, never to come back. And that’s when the crowd began screaming at the slave to “fight fair.”
So, I guess when it comes to folks who believe they’re above the threats and dangers in others lives, but are safe themselves, they can afford to be quite cavalier. But I wonder exactly how strongly anti-drone Ms. Benjamin would be if she'd worked in the WTC on September 11th, 2001.
That’s it for today folks.
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