According to Real Clear Politics website via Drudge, “Famed Baltimore neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson, addressed the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday morning on healthcare.”
The doctor “often criticized Obamacare and government intrusion in healthcare while President Obama sat in the audience.”
I mention it because, aside from suggesting what might be a viable concept for improving health care provision altogether, the doctor addressed the fact that this kind of legislation not only doesn't work specifically, but weakens the overall economy to boot.
It also reinforces my recurring theme that the “wealthy” don’t sit still and roll over when they’re threatened financially or otherwise, they do something about it. And it’s a very safe bet that in this kind of contest, the government generally loses because its not only slow-thinking, ponderous and unwieldy…legislators themselves as a group aren’t really very bright.
As a solution to healthcare provision the doctor suggested that, “When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account to which money can be contributed -- pretax -- from the time you're born 'til the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members, so that when you're 85 years old and you got six diseases, you're not trying to spend up everything. You're happy to pass it on and there's nobody talking about death panels.”
After that, he got into the part that I found to make the most sense when he referred to the approach to tithing taken by the Lord in the Bible, by saying, “We don't necessarily have to do 10% but it's the principle. He didn't say if your crops fail, don't give me any tithe or if you have a bumper crop, give me triple tithe. So there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 billion, you put in a billion. You make $10 you put in one. Of course you've got to get rid of the loopholes. Some people say, 'Well that's not fair because it doesn't hurt the guy who made $10 billion as much as the guy who made 10.' Where does it say you've got to hurt the guy? He just put a billion dollars in the pot. We don't need to hurt him. It's that kind of thinking that has resulted in 602 banks in the Cayman Islands. That money needs to be back here building our infrastructure and creating jobs.”
And that’s where the doctor reinforced my recurring point. Because although the rest of what he said is also valid, I’ve been suggesting for months that, just like the exodus from California, high-earners are going to revolt when over-burdened and the expatriated funds now residing in the Cayman's are but one example of how. Which says to me that although the government's war against high-earners is just beginning, its eventual losses are going to be huge, hurtful and a monstrously embarrassing comeuppance to all of socialist persuasion in office now.
That’s it for today folks.
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