Sunday, February 3, 2013

BloggeRhythms 2/3/2013

Found an item on Drudge this morning from a site called the Gateway Pundit.  Posted by Jim Hofts it says that “Today on Meet the Press Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta admitted that information gleaned from water-boarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him.”
Panetta’s words were, “The real story was that in order to put the puzzle of intelligence together that led us to Bin Laden, there were a lot of pieces out there that were a part of that puzzle. Yes, some of it came from some of the tactics that were used at that time, interrogation tactics that were used. But the fact is we put together most of that intelligence without having to resort to that.”
So, similar to deciding to keep war prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, here’s another case where the administration ultimately accepted by their actions and admissions that the Bush Administration made correct and effective decisions. 
Unfortunately for most of the population, regardless of political affinity or affiliation, the massive wrongheadedness of the current administration in general has been incredibly costly. Consequently, even though states across the nation are individually undoing as much of the damage as they can in areas such as reducing union participation, lowering or eliminating taxation, promoting charter schools and minimizing rules and legislation, there’s much more to be done.
However, perhaps if we keep our fingers crossed and the economy keeps moving in the wrong direction as the results of the last quarter indicate, other folks will wake up, as did Mr. Panetta, and finally admit that that to get things working right, perhaps a lot more of Mr. Bush’s policies and ideas ought to be brought back and enacted.
That’s it for today’s folks.  

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