I’ve already mentioned the incumbent’s golfing trip to Florida, however more information appeared on Drudge this morning which lists an article by Meghan Keneally and Louise Boyle of Britain’s Mail Online.
According to them, “The trip was far from a little getaway, as he made his way to the golf course by way of Chicago on Friday and that is when the costs started piling up.“ And, “ABC News reported that in 2012, it cost $179,750 per flight hour to run Air Force One.”
Which means that, “Going off that rate- even though it is likely higher now since gas prices have risen- the cost of the flights to Florida and back to Washington on Monday totaled $943,687.50.”
In the same vein, additional input showed up in he New York Post’s, Page 6 on-line, which says that “First Lady Michelle Obama and her two daughters skied at a posh resort in Aspen, Colo., with the help of numerous instructors on private ski runs during Presidents Day weekend.” And that, “While President Obama was golfing with Tiger Woods in Florida, Michelle — who brought along a few friends and daughters Sasha and Malia — headed to the slopes."
Furthermore, the Post reports that “We’re told some wealthy Aspen visitors were annoyed when “air space was blocked because of [the Obamas’] plane, so others couldn’t get their private jets in. Many people nearly didn’t land or had to be diverted.” Additionally, “The Obama family stayed at the home of Aspen Ski Company owners Jim and Paula Crown, who are big Democratic donors. Their security team occupied another entire house next door.”
So, here we have compounding confirmation that these supposed fierce enemies of the so-called “rich” not only enjoy a similar lifestyle, but obviously spend considerably more than very few but the super-wealthy can afford. Which I guess would be fine if either one of them earned it themselves. But, that’s certainly not the case because its taxpayers that foot the bills, while this pair of abusers simply rip them off time and again without an iota of compunction or guilt.
At the same time another major league hypocrite made the news again today. The smooth-talking, champion of flawless articulation, Joe Biden, was quoted by Daniel Halper of the Weekly Standard on-line regarding gun control.
Apparently the VP said, “If there's ever a problem," Biden said he told his wife Jill, "just walk out on the balcony here--walk out, put that double barrel shot gun and fire two blasts outside the house -- I promise you whoever is coming in ... You don't need an AR-15, it's harder to aim, it's harder to use...Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!"
In the meantime, though, I guess he forgot that he and his family have Secret Service protection 24/7/365. So, if his wife actually followed his advice and grabbed a shotgun, she'd likely waste an agent, or several, because it's highly unlikely anyone else would have gotten anywhere near her at all.
And that's why as I continue to read this stuff I have to sit back and scratch my head in wonder. Because, considering the hypocrisy, incredible double-standard and almost total disregard these folks have for other’s intelligence, I can’t believe anyone in the press would still be in the least supportive while being so intellectually insulted day in and out.
However, I may have part of the answer because it occurred to me this morning that our educational system has deteriorated to the extent that those now in the press likely have little capability to comprehend very much at all. Consequently, they probably don’t even realize how duped they really are. So what we have here are arrogant elitists leading the dense and clueless which results in massive distortion of underlying facts and truths for everyone who bothers to read their dribble at all.
That’s it for today folks.
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