With all the sequester talk, which I’ve tried to avoid because it’s 110% political hype, smoke, mirrors and boring noise, I found several items on Drudge just now that made me stop to think about how truly despicable the flat-out liars holding office really are.
A link buried among a list of others regards National Review on-line‘s, Andrew Stiles, who reports that “Obamacare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today”.
Alabama republican, Senator Jeff Sessions, requested the report and revealed the findings this morning at a Senate Budget Committee, saying it “confirms everything critics and Republicans were saying about the faults of this bill, and dramatically proves that the promises made assuring the nation that the largest new entitlement program in history would not add one dime to the deficit were false.”
And although In September 2009 Obama told a joint-session of Congress ,“I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period,” the GAO report concluded that even under “more optimistic assumptions,” Obamacare’s cost-control provisions “were not sufficient to prevent an unsustainable increase in debt held by the public.”
Next came a small item from CNSNews.com’s Penny Starr who wrote that “President Barack Obama won’t have to worry about his paycheck if the spending sequestration included in the Budget Control Act that he signed into law in 2011 begins taking effect this Friday. Because section 255 of the Budget Control Act “includes compensation for the President as one of those exemptions.”
Then there was an article from Investors Chronicle on-line by Ajay Makan in London noting that, “While domestic production increased the most in 150 years last year, Washington will confirm later this week that oil imports from the Gulf region continued to rise.”
Statistics included the following: “By the end of November the US had already imported more than 450m barrels of crude from Saudi Arabia, more than it imported from Riyadh in the whole of 2009, 2010 or 2011, according to figures from the US energy department. For the first time since 2003, Saudi imports accounted for more than 15 per cent of total US oil imports. The Gulf as a whole accounted for more than 25 per cent, a nine-year high.”
And lastly there was this one, which I find simply incredible.
According to Diana Furchtgott-Roth of Real Clear Markets on-line: “In a new report issued earlier this month, the Office of Personnel Management announced that the federal government paid over $156 million in 2011 for some of its employees to work as representatives for government unions, up from $139 million in 2010 and $129 million in 2009.”
She went on to state that “In government language that would make George Orwell smile, the time that federal workers spend working for their unions and not working for taxpayers is termed "official time." According to the report, "Official time, broadly defined, is paid time off from assigned Government duties to represent a union or its bargaining unit employees."
And here’s what I thought was the best part of what Ms. Furchtgott-Roth wrote. “In most workplaces, employees who don't work for the hours they are paid are called "loafers," "slackers," or worse. In the federal government, such workers are on "official time." Shirking never looked so good, because, “Government workers on "official time" have office space in a particular agency to which they are assigned, and are paid for full-time work by the taxpayers, including fringe benefits such as pension plans and medical insurance that many private-sector workers no longer receive.
So, while the incumbent incessantly babbles and contorts himself, playing a role like some ham actor on steroids, just about everything he utters is the reverse of the truth. But, that’s been his stock in trade for his entire political life and I really don’t care very much about it all. I have no real interest in him whatsoever.
However, whereas he evidently was elected based on false statements, compounded by policies breaking taxpayer’s wallets, budgets and backs, what is our recourse and exactly how do we get out from under his malfeasance? As for me, I certainly don’t have the answer, but just thought I’d ask.
That’s it for today folks.
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