Saturday, February 23, 2013

BloggeRhythms 2/23/2013

Still pretty slow in the news, but I came across an article on Drudge by Edward McClelland of Channel 5 Chicago, NBC News that got me to thinking.
According to Mr. McClelland, “Well, now there is recent credible polling on (Rahm) Emanuel, and it’s not good for the mayor. A Crain’s/Ipsos poll out Thursday finds that the mayor’s popularity has fallen sharply since voters were last surveyed in September.
Just 2 percent of Chicagoans surveyed said they strongly approve of the mayor's job performance, with 12 percent somewhat approving and 5 percent leaning that way. At the opposite end, 13 percent strongly disapprove, 9 percent somewhat disapprove and 13 percent lean toward disapproval.
In Chicago, that gives Mr. Emanuel a net minus 16 rating, down from the plus 4 he had in September, when 37 percent approved and 33 percent disapproved.”
The reason I found this data so interesting is that it’s another confirmation that Democrats in general, and those in or from the current administration in particuar, haven’t a clue as to how to govern. 
While it’s obvious that all of them, from a backroom clerk like Emanuel right up to the incumbent himself, could talk you senseless, deaf, dumb and blind, as a practical matter jobwise they can’t even tie their own shoes. And once winding up with real authority, they simply unravel right before everyone’s eyes, whereas they’re totally incompetent by themselves or in groups.
So, I guess you can add this Emanuel guy to the list of the hapless, blustering political hacks that make up their party. Like Nancy Pelosi who fiercely pushes for legislation she’s never bothered to look at. However, in her case there’s a good chance she can’t even read. Or Hillary who hit her head causing her to forget where Benghazi is, while doing absolutely nothing but travel at taxpayer's expense for the pat four years. 
Then, of course there’s the VP who likely has trouble eating because he always has both feet in his mouth. But, who knows, maybe his wife will mistake him for an intruder and blow him away with his own shotgun.
And let’s not forget the guy at the top of the heap who loudly complains about the wealthy, screams about the woes of the poor and then spends almost a million dollars of taxpayer’s money to go play golf with Tiger at one of the most exclusive resorts in the world.
I could go on with more examples for pages, but for today just wanted to make one simple point, which is, that I doubt you could find emptier suits anywhere on the planet then politicians in general. However, it seems they’ve reduced job performance standards so low that even Democrats can perform them. And while I really don’t care an iota about what any of those parasites do, I still think it’s extremely shameful that the rest of us have to pay for their ineptitude.
That’s it for today folks.

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