I can't believe that a blurb I saw as I flipped past Neil Cavuto's news show on Fox Business channel last night wasn't headline news anywhere on the dial. Not only that, I didn't see it mentioned anywhere this morning. And worse yet, I not only had to Google for the information I wanted, but found that candidate Gingrich was the only one who'd commented on the subject.
But anyway, here's what practically blew me through my own ceiling. Apparently, according to Gingrich, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said yesterday that he had no intention of trying to get gasoline to be less expensive and his goal was to get the American people to go to alternatives "and wants American prices to be about the European level, which would be $9 or $10 a gallon.”
After I read through Chu's comments again, I had to sit back and wonder about exactly what it takes to make people realize that this isn't some kind of glitch or joke, but that lunatics have actually taken over the asylum. Because the current president and his cohorts are steadfastly determined to reduce our nation to third-world status.
And without-re-listing the examples I've typed about for quite time now, its obvious that step-by-step, and according to plan our economy's being ruined. Because you don't have to be an economist, you don't even have to understand much about math to grasp the fact that at present, THERE ARE NO MASS ALTERNATIVES TO FOSSIL FUELS AND THERE LIKELY WON'T BE FOR YEARS TO COME. Aside from that, from what's happened so far to the Solyndra's of the world, and many other's like them, there may never be a viable alternative to go to.
So then, I think folks have to ponder what the real situation is here. Because beyond what seems like blind-eyed ignorance and abject stupidity, I think it's highly unlikely anyone could be vapid enough to diligently look for ways to sink a nation's economy and keep trying to dampen the public's hopes for no reason at all. And I, for one, haven't a clue as to what their actual goal is. But what I do know is, if these insidious slimes aren't stopped soon, the American economy's over for good.
That's it for today folks.
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