Friday, March 16, 2012

BloggeRhythms 3/16/2012

Browsing Drudge I came across a CNN taped interview of David Axelrod on "Out Front with Erin Burnett" which aired last night.

In it, Axelrod explains why he thinks the festering situation regarding negative and insulting comments toward women made by Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh are different, boiling it down to the point that while Maher's only a comedian, Rush is the de facto head of the Republican party. Consequently, to him, Rush's words are far worse than Maher's.

The reason I'm mentioning it, however, is not so much about Axelrod's defense of Maher and total distaste for Rush, because that's to be expected, but because under the interview screen there's a listing of comments from viewers. And considering the typical bias of CNN, I was surprised to find that out of 45 postings, while only one opined that both guys were out of line, the other 44 strongly supported Rush.

There also seemed to be a consensus that Maher was receiving special protection because of his donation of $1 million to the president's campaign.

However, the most important thing to me was that if that many folks have negative opinions about a vociferous presidential supporter on a station like CNN, I think that indicates major disenchantment with the incumbent altogether. Therefore, no matter how much the press may want to cover it up, I think the guy at the top's in very, very big trouble voter-wise across the spectrum.

That's it for today folks.


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