Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BloggeRhythms 3/21/2012

Republican representative, Paul Ryan, introduced his awaited budget plan yesterday calling for cuts in Feral spending of $5.3 trillion over the next ten years.  

And, as expected, there are many cuts to programs for the poor and elderly which would face restructuring, consolidation or reduction while much of the fiscal responsibility would be shifted to the individual states. Additionally a change in the tax code, eliminating many deductions and establishing only two brackets, would likely benefit the so-called "rich."

To me. there was no surprise in the plan at all, especially since many of its elements have been openly discussed for quite some time now. But leaving the plan itself aside and its specifics, what interested me most was the Democrat reaction which was exactly as expected. Because there was no call by them for a detailed review, discussion or negotiation, just an outraged cry and accusations of deceit, class-warfare, hatred of population segments amid all kinds of purported social discrimination. 

However, what the Dem reaction pointed clearly out to me again was the flagrancy of their agenda which doesn't seem to make an iota of fiscal sense and never has. Because, as they've seen vividly illustrated over the past five years, the nation can't keep continually giving money away on social causes. And not because of political beliefs at all.  It's simply due to the fact that the nation not only doesn't have it, the constant piling on of debt is quickly breaking the country's financial back.

So, my question for today is: When will these Dem's wake up and realize that there are fiscal issues that need facing by mature adults and stop crying like children whose allowances have been cut? Because you can only keep spending to the limit of what you earn and borrow, and after those resources are exhausted...the whole  nation becomes a Solyndra itself.

That's it for today folks.


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