Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BloggeRhythms 3/13/2012

The longer the Republican primary season goes on, and the more delegates Mitt Romney wins , the more his two main rivals strive to establish themselves as true "Conservatives ," hoping that will increase their appeal to those on the far right. Yet, as I've mentioned often before, the net effect of their efforts seem to me to be more harmful to them in the long run than beneficial.

Because while it's true there are many Conservatives in the nation, and certainly in the South, there aren't enough of them to carry a national election, which clearly establishes the need for a candidate to broaden his appeal. And this time around, just about every prediction I've seen concludes that for a Republican win, a significant number of independents votes will be needed. Nonetheless, Santorum and Gingrich willingly grab their brushes and paint themselves further into an idealistic corner, which shrinks their appeal on the broader scale.

In that regard, Santorum in particular is increasing his effort to prove just how he avowed he is in his beliefs, and is attempting to invalidate Romney altogether because, according to Rick, Mitt's record as Massachusetts governor wasn't rigidly conservative enough.

But, on the other hand, Mitt's track record shows that he did an excellent governance job, especially regarding the budget, employment and in management of the state itself. So what that says to me is, he's a guy who's been there, knows how the job really works and isn't simply a bag of hot air. And beyond that, he's also aware that leadership at the top levels is about trying to do what's best for all the people, not just a bunch of single-minded idealists.

That's it for today folks.


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