The paper's author is a professor of sociology and environmental studies based in Oregon, Professor Kari Norgaard, who compares skepticism of man-made global warming to "racist beliefs" and she's labeled doubts about anthropogenic climate change a “sickness” for which individuals need to be “treated”.
Appearing at the "Planet Under Pressure" conference in London, she presented a paper in which she argues that “cultural resistance” to accepting the premise that humans are responsible for climate change “must be recognized and treated” as an aberrant sociological behavior. She went on to state that, skepticism of climate change alarmists -whose data is continually proven to be politicized, agenda-driven and downright inaccurate according to her- is like racism, noting that overcoming such viewpoints poses a similar challenge “to racism or slavery in the U.S. South.”
But, aside from the professor, here are a couple of statements put out by scientists behind the event. One calls for humans to be packed into denser cities so that the rest of the planet can be surrendered to mother nature. According to Paul Joseph Watson, the idea is similar to one put out last year "Planned-Opolis" at the Forum for the Future organization, in which human activity will be tightly regulated by a dictatorial technocracy in the name of saving the planet.
This was followed by a quote from another attendee, Yale University professor Karen Seto, who said: "We certainly don’t want them (humans) strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely [together].”
In closing, Watson wrote: "Due to the fact that skepticism towards man-made global warming is running at an all time high, and with good reason, rather than admit they have lost the debate, climate change alarmists are instead advocating that their ideological opponents simply be drugged or brainwashed into compliance."
As for me, I have to admit that although I've heard plenty about the perils of global warming, I've never really paid a lot of attention to the details Because I think, basically, the premise is beyond ridiculous. The planets been changing for millions of years by itself and humans just don't have the resources or smarts to make even a dent in Mother Nature's plans, actions and events.
Nonetheless, if what I posted above is really an example of what these global warming advocates are all about, it does raise a question I've never considered before. Because now I'm curious about where they come from and what they really want, since except for AlGore who's amassing a fortune from this gibberish, why would anyone consider this ridiculous subject at all?
That's it for today folks.