Wednesday, February 15, 2012

BloggeRhythms 2/15/2012

While unemployment still remains at about 8.5% and the nation's economy is barely limping along, the president's making a speech in Milwaukee, then moving on to attend eight fundraisers for his re-election campaign in the Los Angeles area, San Francisco and Seattle.

According to Fox News, two events will take place in L.A., the first one an outdoor reception at the home of soap opera producer Bradley Bell and his wife, Colleen, featuring a performance by the rock band the Foo Fighters. 1,000 supporters are expected to attend, with tickets starting at $250 apiece.

Next comes a dinner at the same place, co-hosted by actor Will Ferrell and his wife, Viveca Paulin for about eighty people with tickets costing $35,800 each. The fundraising will benefit the Obama Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee for his campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

In contrast to these extravagant affairs, raising millions of dollars for the gain of one individual, the incumbent, CNS reported about a speech he made today in Milwaukee. In his remarks he listed rising gas prices as among the many reasons to extend the payroll tax. He said individuals face losing $40 per paycheck for the average American worker if the tax cut is not extended at the end of this month.

So, if my math is correct, while only two of the events he'll attend in the next few days will raise three million one hundred fourteen thousand dollars for him,  individual taxpayers face losing two thousand eighty bucks per year apiece. Somehow, I just think there's something inconsistent in that.

What also struck me was his reference to the rising price of fuel, because as the Associated Press reiterated yesterday, last month the incumbent's administration denied a permit for the TransCanada oil pipeline. He did this to appease environmentalist factions in his party while having just about everyone  else watch a huge portion of their incomes and savings go to people who hate us in South America and the Middle-East.  And I don't about you, but I think there's also something hugely wrong about that as well.  

In the meantime though, the clock keeps ticking and as I keep mentioning, I think folks are really pretty fed up with this administration and are about to try to fix it.  Then again, perhaps it's worth paying a fortune for fuel if the alternative is having Big Brother tell me that I have to live my life by their social rules, which I'm absolutely certain is none of their GD business and I absolutely won't comply no matter.

That's it for today folks.


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