Friday, February 10, 2012

BloggeRhythms 2/10/2012

The big news for Republicans at present is the CPAC conference in Washington, DC where the presidential candidates, and many others, are making speeches. This meeting is rated as the most important event for Conservatives. However, perhaps it's just me, but I still don't get it.

To me, I think it's more than obvious that what the nation needs more than anything else at present, is a leader that knows what he's doing regarding governance, the economy and recapturing the faith of all those who are either workers or, especially so, those who own or operate a business. Because, as I've stated many times in the past, it's the private sector economy that provides the wherewithal for every other endeavor there is.

And if the economy is truly issue number one, and significantly more important than any other, all the speeches in the world aren't going to fix our problems if those who make them have no real clue as to what they're talking about. That fact gets proven every single day by the present presidential incumbent who talks a mile a minute, yet not only hasn't a whit of capability to fix the economic morass but is primarily responsible for its creation.

Consequently, I have less than zero interest in what any politician ever tells me, I only care about the results of what they've already done. And that information doesn't come out of their mouths, it comes out of their dossiers.

That's why, as far as the present presidential contenders are concerned, in all political party's, there's only one guy who has any successful governing experience or business acumen at all, and that's Mitt Romney. All the rest of these guys are motor-mouth politicos who are all talk with no substance, except for Ron Paul who practiced medicine until 1976. But even that was quite a long time ago, and doctors aren't usually very good businessmen at all. 

Now, as far as my previous thoughts are concerned, I'm not sitting here typing all this because I'm completely sold on Mitt, because to me he's also just another politician. Nonetheless, the nation's in a very deep fiscal hole that has to be fixed as quickly as possible or there will truly be nothing left. And since he's the only one in the bunch with any chance of getting that done, I simply don't understand why anyone with a brain would care about anything coming out of anyone else's mouth in speeches.

That's it for today folks.


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