Wednesday, February 1, 2012

BloggeRhythms 2/1/2012

There was good news in the Republican party yesterday, because although Gingrich lost severely in the Florida primary to Romney, he vowed to stay in the race. And what that means is, the Republican candidates will keep on hammering each other and leave the president alone which is perfect for their party.

And that's because, little by little and step by step, the incumbents upsetting voters wherever he goes thanks to his steadfast adherence to legislation and policies that haven't worked yet, and likely never will. So, by letting him rant and rave by himself, his opponents just have to be patient. Because the odds are that by next November, except for a handful of hard-core steadfasts and hippie protesters, there'll be nobody left he hasn't alienated completely.

As far as today's executive gaffe goes, now it seems he's ticked off a whole religion via his health care law. Because, according to Fox News, Catholics are fired up over rules in the new law forcing Catholic universities, hospitals, and charities to provide insurance for their employees covering contraception -even though that violates church teachings. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League said,"When you push people of faith and you tell them the government is going to knock down the wall of separation of church and state and overreach like the Obama administration, you've got a war on your hands."

So, here we have a guy in office who's hamstrung the economy, let high unemployment continue unbridled, left the citizens to pay prices they can't afford for foreign oil, ruined the finest health care system in the world, removed a U.S. military stronghold in the Middle-East, and recently forced the Canadians to sell their petroleum products to China, just to name a few of the most ridiculous decisions since Ford decided to build Edsels. 

Therefore, as far as the Republicans are concerned, the best thing they can do for themselves right now is stay out of the way and let the loose cannon in office keep going just as he is. Because if he keeps shooting himself in the foot as regularly as he is at present, he hasn't an iota of hope for re-election no matter who runs against him next time.

That's it for today folks.


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