Yesterday I mentioned this new powerful computer code, Stuxnet, that's attacking industrial facilities around the world, mainly in Iran. And that according to Symantec Corp., it took a highly sophisticated group of very bright people to create and implement a computer virus of that magnitude.
Well, this morning I woke up at about 4AM, because I'd just had a thought in my sleep. Considering the fact that it took some kind of real genius to infect Iran's computer systems from outside the country -in fact the virus could have come from anywhere in the world- and it's able to remotely disrupt and re-route very complex, well-secured hidden electronic programs and codes -if you were an Iranian scientist or technician...would you push the button to send a nuclear missile off?
So, maybe this is the ultimate retribution that heavenly Deity's have in mind for all those suicide bombers that have been dispatched around the world. Instead of some skirmishes, wars or many more years of bombastic diatribes and sanctions in the U.N., there'll just be these big puffs of smoke seen in the Middle-East when Iran pushes those launching buttons to test it's missiles and blows itself off the planet completely.
Then there's some likely good news for Republicans in November. Because it seems the president has taken his party to task, especially "progressives" whom he says are upset because they've not gotten everything they wanted passed and are reluctant to vote in the midterm election. He said, "The idea that we've got a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base, that people are sitting on their hands complaining is just irresponsible."
He thinks they're angry and applying their "trademark bitterness" toward the health care package because "it didn't have every bell and whistle that we wanted" like a government-run insurance option. But he urged them to "wake up," and recognize that he's signed on everything from health care to financial regulation to student loans and to consider that Republican leadership is "to the right" of former President George W. Bush.
So, the good news for Republicans is that he's likely missed the entire point once again. Because regardless of the left's desires to have everything handed to them and a completely free ride, I think that even they can see all the damage that's already been done to the U.S. financially, and if they want to have anything left at all, they've got to vote incumbent Democrats out. Consequently, I think in the end any wage earning Democrat with half-a-brain will absolutely vote in November -however I also think they'll all be pulling Republican levers.
That's it for today folks.
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