Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BloggeRhythms 9/21/2010

It's been proven many times over, but today's repercussions against government underscore the point that most politicians are totally out of sync with the real world. And, in that regard, they live in their own insulated vacuums.

It used to be that politico's spent most of their time inside the "beltway," periodically going back home to prove to their constituents that they were still alive and breathing. And, for the most part, that was enough, because the constituents only knew what they were exposed to in outdated newspaper accounts, snail-mail communications and perhaps occasional broadcasts or TV spots.

What's more, the general lack of knowledge amongst the voting public permitted political hucksters to squirm out when they were caught stealing, lying, philandering or simply screwing up due to stupidity, arrogance, ignorance, or more likely, all of the above.

Yet, although today things have changed dramatically due to the public's instant access to information, these same political dead-heads don't seem to notice. Because they're all out there denying association with those who're taken this country down the tubes educationally, health, businesswise and in international standing, although their constituents can now see them live and in full color instantaneously all day long on the tube or via Internet hookup.

So, I guess you have to wonder what these incumbents really think. And no matter how hard it is to imagine, it seems obvious that they still believe they can stand up in front of people who can now actually see them killing their country, yet try to blame someone else.

But, if the polls are any indication of what's in store for incumbents, the days of talking their way out of the disasters they've caused are over. And folks who vote are more than fed up. Nonetheless, as I've been repeating more and more lately, this isn't a revolt against any particular party, it's a revolt against politicians regardless. Thus, no matter the party affiliation, if things don't change to voter's individual satisfaction, the smart newcomers to office in DC will rent their abodes, not buy.

That's it for today folks.


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