Thursday, September 23, 2010

BloggeRhythms 9/23/2010

The Republicans introduced their "Pledge to America" today, which contains the basic agenda they plan to pursue in Congress. However, what I thought was more interesting than the pledge itself, was the site where they chose to meet.

The location was a lumber yard in Virginia, wherein they'd set up a stage for the fifteen or so presenters in front of several rows of chairs for the press. And the first thought I had was how appropriate that was, because it's likely they all felt subliminally comfortable amid all those stacks of other dead wood.

As far as their agenda went, it was pretty much the same old conservative, same old, except if they can really deliver on it, it might do the country some good.

House Minority Leader John Boehner, said they're calling for reining in federal spending, permanently extending all Bush-era tax cuts, and repealing Obama's health care law. There was one interesting addition, I thought. They want to prevent tagging riders onto any bills, by examining the constitutionality of every item individually. That way, they say, many parts of the health care law, for example, never would have passed in the first place because they're unlawful. Such as requiring people to purchase particular insurance.

They also want to reform tort laws which is something that's been needed forever. Because ambulance chasing lawyers, who now merrily troll for suckers unimpeded in TV ads, alone add billions to health care costs and every other kind of real or perceived damage they can dream up.

A good start would be to lock up all those low-life dirtbag mouthpieces. The problem is that about 98% of politicians are lawyers, and about 75% of them rely on lawyers to keep them out of Leavenworth, debtor's prison or family court and practically all of them are on the take regarding campaign contributions from the legal "profession." So, I wouldn't start holding my breath on reform of any kind.

While all this was going on the president made a speech at the U.N. in New York. And that got me to thinking, because I began to realize that that's all this guy really does. He speaks. It seems that he's got a microphone in his hand about twenty hours a day, and he's always parading up and down, yammering about something or other. In fact, I'm almost curious enough to turn my TV sound on, because, what on Earth could cause somebody to produce about two hundred tons of hot air on a daily basis?

But, don't worry folks. My records intact. Obama's been around for a few years now, and I've still never heard his voice. And, aside from that, if I really cared and wanted to know what the president was talking about, I'd listen to George Soros..the guy who actually puts the words in the president's mouth.

That's it for today folks.


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