Yesterday's entry began running long, so I left a few blogworthy items out regarding the Republican's new "Pledge to America"promise.
After they listed the new planks in their platform (still appropriately surrounded in a lumber yard by other types of planks for platforms that really have some value) Bill Hemmer of Fox News made an interesting comment to Chris Wallace. After saying something about the platform itself, he went on to mention that what seemed different about the promises that had just been made was, if they're not delivered on, the promiser's would quickly be voted out next time around.
Hemmer's comment struck me because I completely agree, and have written about the premise often before. A dramatic change has taken place nationwide because of the public's instantaneous access to information, which seems to have completely been missed by the clowns that populate DC, regardless of party. Because, today folks simply have to log on to the Internet or find an alternative source of news, likely talk radio or cable TV, and they simultaneously know exactly the same stuff as the poltico's. And that immediate public access to information has huge impact and implications.
That's why I wonder sometimes about how the president can deliver some of his endless gobbledygook with a straight face. Because while he's parading around with that microphone he's had surgically attached to his palm, telling captive audiences how his bailouts have spurred the economy, watching at home you can see the stock tickers in the corner of the screen simultaneously dropping like rocks tossed off high-rise buildings. It's almost the same as Saddam's minister of news telling you on CNN how badly the US infidel invaders were doing, while our Marines were hauling the guy out of the building to jail, live and in color.
Moving on with some of the things promised by Republicans, another key item I left out from yesterday's "Pledge" was immediate action to seal the borders. Now, that one alone has to be worth thousands upon thousands of votes, because whether they live in vulnerable states or not, folks who were born here, and lived all their lives by the rules have to resent Harry Reid's idea of funding long-term illegal's way to school. Of course, that's after paying for their birth, medical care and welfare simply to buy their parents illegal votes. As I sit here and type the words, I've got to conclude that Harry Reid's insane, suicidal, or on some kind of mind-altering drugs.
Then there was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's response to the Republican's pledge. She's the one who thought the new health care law was a wonderful bill, regardless of admitting she'd never read it nor planned to. Ms Pelosi didn't have much to say about the pledge itself, preferring to promise raises to social security funding in the future.
But the best news of all is what Bill Hemmer pointed out in the beginning. Even the dimmest-witted politician (boy, wouldn't that be a contest) has now got to see that their world has changed and for the first time, they've got to measure up or get out. And the truth is, they can't measure up at all. That means every politico's on a short fuse. So, as far as the population's concerned, it's now likely that every two years will see huge turnover and a new bunch of schlemiels in office. Therefore, if they keep cancelling each other's legislation...we'll all probably make out just fine.
That's it for today folks.
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