Wednesday, September 15, 2010

BloggeRhythms 9/15/2010

Maybe it's just me, but I certainly can't figure out what makes inane politicians tick. Because I've always been under the impression that those elected to office are supposed to represent those who elected them, and act on their behalf's. Yet, Harry Reid, U.S. Senate Majority Leader from Nevada said Tuesday he wants to attach an amendment to a defense policy bill that would help young people in the United States illegally become legal U.S. residents

Legislation known as the DREAM Act, would allow young people who attend college or join the military to become legal U.S. residents. They must have come here when under 16 years of age and have been in the country five years. Those who join the military must serve at least two years and complete two years of college.

My simple question is, what part of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT doesn't Mr. Reid understand. Because, so far as I know, his constituents want the border sealed and all those here illegally sent home. My next question is, if these folks are by definition illegal, how'd they stay around here for five years? And if even they did, how would they get into college in the first place? Unless maybe, all U.S. colleges would next be forced to teach all courses in rudimentary Spanish.

Beyond that, how would they get into our military at all? Or is this another attempt to water our troops down from a representative of a party that doesn't believe the U.S. has a right to defend itself or react to potential threats. I'd say this guy was dumber than a rock, but that would be an insult to stones. Then again, his own son wouldn't use his last name when running for office, for fear that he'd be laughed off the ticket.

Then again, it isn't just Democrats that aren't too bright. Because yesterday the primary elections show that incumbents in general are on their way out of office, regardless of party affiliation. Nonetheless, it seems that Republicans are making headway, simply because they're the minority party. Yet, I doubt they'll get anywhere unless they simply shut up and leave voters alone. Because, every time a politician speaks, especially along party lines they create more and more animosity and alienation.

A good example is Christine O'Donnell who had an upset win in Delaware. By her own admission she's not a politician and is totally inexperienced, yet she knocked out a long term incumbent. Well, in her case the voters have now spoken and she's won. So that means they're okay with her novice status. Consequently, the best thing she can do between now and election day is keep quiet and she'll likely win again.

But, that won't happen. Mark my words. She'll make all kinds of noise about this being a referendum and signal for a new beginning and yada yada yada. And, unfortunately for her, her inexperience will show through and she'll make herself vulnerable to loss for absolutely no reason at all.

Yet, when all's said and done, none of those winning this time around need a platform at all. They're winning simply because they're not incumbents and the voting public wants to clean house. So, it's senseless for them to get carried away on their political agendas and worse yet, to believe their own smoke and hype. Because the next time they run, they're going to lose too. Because, political incumbency itself is over and unlikely to ever come back.

That's it for today folks.


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