Saturday, September 25, 2010

BloggeRhythms 9/25/2010

In some ways you have to believe that politicians are sometimes capable of intellectualizing or thought. And that's especially true when they think their publicly paid for gravy train is about to wreck.

Her Dumbness (well, it should be her title) Nancy Pelosi announced that the House will likely vote on the tax bill issues before the November elections. That's a change in plan from waiting until after the elections are over.

Now, that can only mean one thing coming from a Democrat "leader." Since, everyone in the country knows that it's the Democrat credo to tax and spend irrationally, regardless, why would they want the public to hear about higher taxes right before pulling election levers?

The answer is obvious. What Her Dumbness has worked out is that the House will vote for lower taxes, additional breaks and retention of the Bush tax relief plan. That way, the electorate will feel much better about the Dem's and they'll recover all kinds of presently lost votes. Then, after the election, the Dem senators will vote as usual, thereby neutralizing the vote in the House. And, of course, the president will happily go along with any plan that increases taxes, or, veto any bill that wont.

So this is another case where the Dem's have come up with a plan that fits their operating style. It's equivalent to the salesman hawking "low-price" top-line men's-wear who went in back to tell his tailor, "Turn on the blue light Cecil, the man wants a blue suit."

But, as I wrote yesterday, this time around I'm not so sure the public will buy it, because huge access to immediate information has made them too aware of how politicians lie, cheat and steal.

But, what would be most amusing is that when Congress turns over in November and the new Republican arrivals show up in DC, they find that, of all people, Nancy Pelosi had already done the heavy lifting on the tax cuts issues for them.

That's it for today folks.


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