Monday, June 26, 2017


This morning's another wherein the mainstream media continues its assault on the Trump administration. Meanwhile however, the administration itself scored several significant victory’s in the past few days.

A major win is reported by the AP’s Mark Sherman who writes: “The Supreme Court is letting a limited version of the Trump administration ban on travel from six mostly Muslim countries to take effect, a victory for President Donald Trump in the biggest legal controversy of his young presidency.”

Visitors from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen can now be banned if they lack a "credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States." The justices will hear arguments in the rest of the case in October.

“Trump said last week that the ban would take effect 72 hours after being cleared by courts.”

Three of the court's conservative justices, Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch said they would have let the complete bans take effect and that “government has shown it is likely to succeed on the merits of the case, and that it will suffer irreparable harm with any interference.”

Most importantly: “Thomas said the government's interest in preserving national security outweighs any hardship to people denied entry into the country.”

And then, another indication of positive shifting toward the POTUS was reported by Aaron Klein on Friday when the president “raised three unanswered questions about the Democratic Party and the Obama administration’s role in claims that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

“1 –  Why did the Democratic National Committee (DNC) turn down FBI requests to inspect its hacked servers?

“A senior law enforcement official stressed the importance of the FBI gaining direct access to the servers, a request that was denied by the DNC.

“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated,” the official was quoted by the news media as saying.”

“2 – Why was the DNC uninterested in assistance from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to secure DNC servers?

“In his prepared remarks before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, former Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson revealed that the Democratic National Committee “did not feel it needed” DHS assistance into hacks of the Committee’s systems.

“This means that the DNC, faced with hacks later attributed to Russia, turned down the possibility of assistance from at least two federal agencies – the DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).”

“3 – Why did the Obama administration wait until October before going public with claims that Russia was attempting to interfere in the 2016 presidential election?

“The Obama administration was reportedly confident that Russia was attempting to hack the election as early as August.  Yet the administration waited until October 7 to make an announcement, when the DHS released a statement claiming “the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.” 

“Newsweek raised further questions three months ago when the magazine cited “two sources with knowledge of the matter” reporting that Comey wanted to go public with the Russia story in the summer of 2016, but he was rebuffed by top Obama administration officials.” 

And now that serious questions are finally being asked, where is this all going? The answer is, as has been suggested here for several weeks now, the Democrat hierarchy is now coming under investigation as they well should be.

According to Breitbart’s Kristina Wong on June 23rd: “Three Republican House Oversight Committee members on Friday called for an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey and Special Counsel Robert Mueller for acting in a partisan manner and applying double standards when it came to the Obama and Trump administrations.

“Reps. Jim Jordan (OH), Mark Meadows (NC), and Jody Hice (GA) said Comey misled the American people last year when he agreed to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s request that he call an investigation into Hillary Clinton a “matter” instead of an investigation.

“He did it willfully. He did it intentionally. And he did it at the direction of Attorney General Loretta Lynch,” they wrote in a piece published on

They also said Comey misled the American people in the early weeks of the Trump administration by “furthering the perception that President Trump was under investigation, when in fact he was not.”

“He again did this willfully and intentionally,” they wrote.

They also pointed out that Comey recently admitted having a friend leak one of his memos detailing a private conversation he had with Trump, after Trump fired him.

“Comey admitted doing so to spark the appointment of a special counsel for the investigation into Russian interference and any collusion with the Trump campaign.

“That person appointed was Robert Mueller — Comey’s “mentor and predecessor,” they wrote.

“The American people want justice to be blind. They want equal justice and equal protection for everyone. But Mr. Comey’s actions continue to call his impartiality, and the impartiality of the Holder and Lynch Justice departments, into question,” they said.

6132 comments followed the article, just about all of them sampled agreeing with the three congressional Representatives regarding an investigatory “double-standard” that’s unfavorable toward Trump.

Reader Elefantmann wrote: “Don't underestimate Sessions either. 

“By accident the appointment of Mueller by assistant general attorney Rosenstein puts the Democratic cabal together in one big room. Mueller and Comey, together again. Comey and Lynch with Comey leaking out Lynch's bias towards the Clintons. Mueller tied into foot dragging of the IRS investigations. It's all going to come out.”

contractorniu disagreed with the Sessions assessment, feeling he wasn’t moving quickly enough: 

“AG Sessions has done very little. He should have stepped up to the plate and instigated, but instead he sits back and dribbles. We need a strong leader in AG.. Not Sessions.”

To that, reader Bruno replied:”Don't be so sure. Sessions is a good man who loves America & the Law.

“He is sorting through 30-40 yrs of Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama filth. It takes a while to find out where everything has been hidden, and then take a proper survey before surgical strike.”

All of which serves to prove that a significant segment of today’s voters aren’t simply scanning headlines, but instead are keenly aware of what transpires daily in national politics. And those are the very same people who put Trump in office, and are intent in keeping him there. 

Adding substance to the growing refusal of Trump supporters to blindly accept what the left-leaning mainstream media publishes, on Saturday Matthew Boyle wrote

“Peddling fake news does not, in fact, equate to a long-term successful business strategy, reporters for The New York Times are learning the hard way.

“Reporters at the New York Times could soon be ‘vulnerable’ to the ax,” the Post’s Keith Kelly wrote. “If the ongoing round of voluntary buyouts being offered to editing staff does not get enough takers, the Gray Lady could begin another round, NYT Executive Editor Dean Baquet recently warned his top department editors.”

Since early 2017, “a whopping 109 copy editors have already been terminated while only 50 new jobs are likely to be created as the paper shifts its focus to digital. Kelly wrote.”

And then a point was raised regarding alternate news sources, which are availed here on a daily basis and may very well “bring about a seismic shift in the media industry as to which outlets have power and which do not.”

As a present practical reality, CNN is “under fire in the new world of media—while the Times keeps draining away in the long term. Part of the reason why the media target the president so much and so viciously is because he represents a threat to their continued business models—thus their cushy, elitist lifestyles could come to an end if such a change in the landscape occurred. President Trump is a threat to them, in large part, because he calls them out directly.”

“The President has repeatedly called the Gray Lady “the failing New York Times.

A reader, Real Talk, summed the situation up quite handily, commenting: “The future is truly BLEAK for this dying, annoying, mischievous, partisan, miserable, out of touch, bankrupt, clueless, classless, desperate, shameful & irrelevant entity, they write negative stories about our president on daily basis just to stay in business.... Shame on them!!!”

The comment received 439 “likes,” as well it should whereas it's the plain, totally applicable, everyday truth.

That’s it for today folks.


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