Monday, June 5, 2017


While this writer knows full well that the vast majority of readers care little about the subject of climate-change, the climate itself has very little to do with the politics of the matter. The primary concern of those on the left is nothing more than the transfer of wealth, as they employ global warming to amass as much as they can for themselves and their agenda.  

Therefore, although today’s primary topic is international reaction to U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Accord, it becomes quite clear that the issues been money all along. 

James Delingpole dissected the matter, setting the stage with some history, as follows:
“Leaders of the world’s seven most powerful economies were gathered around the table and the issues under discussion were the global economy and sustainable development.
French president, Emmanuel Macron, said: “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “reminded the U.S. president how successful the fight against the ozone hole had been and how it had been possible to convince industry leaders to reduce emissions of the harmful gas.”

Finally, Germany’s Merkel said renewable energies present significant economic opportunities. 

“If the world’s largest economic power were to pull out, the field would be left to the Chinese,” she warned. Xi Jinping is clever, she added, and would take advantage of the vacuum it created. Even the Saudis were preparing for the post-oil era, she continued, and saving energy is also a worthwhile goal for the economy for many other reasons, not just because of climate change.”

At which point, according to Delingpole: “Trump’s [BS] detector must have been bleeping off the scale. Let’s examine those arguments, one by one.

“First, Mummy’s Boy Macron’s line that “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries.”

“The first half is trivially true: climate has indeed been changing for the 4.5 billion years of the planet’s existence. But the notion that recent climate change is catastrophic, unprecedented and significantly man-made is a shaky theory, not a proven fact. And in any case it is beside the point. Even supposing that climate change is all those things, it doesn’t alter the fact that Paris is a pointless waste of money, especially for countries like the U.S. which are expected to bear the burden of the cost.”

And most importantly to the U.S.: “As Bjorn Lomborg has calculated, using the alarmists’ own models and data, if every signatory nation sticks to Paris then the effect will be to reduce global warming by 0.17 degrees C by 2100. At a cost in excess of $100 trillion.

“As for the “affects the poorest countries” part – even if this is true, there are better ways of helping poor countries than bombing the U.S. economy to the dark ages. Like, promoting a flourishing economy which yields more to spend on foreign aid.”

And then Delingpole gets to the heart of the matter, writing:

“Finally, the Mutti of all Globalists herself, Mrs Merkel.

“Renewable energies, said the chancellor, present significant economic opportunities.” 

Yes," writes Delingpole "I suppose they do, if like Elon Musk you’ve got your snout buried deep in the subsidies trough, or like Warren Buffett you like to profit off the tax credits  or like wind and solar developers everywhere you just don’t care about the bats and birds sliced and diced, the countryside spoiled and the people who have their sleep disturbed and their property values trashed.

“But strip away the subsidies and the green lies and renewables make no economic or environmental sense at all.

“As for the green Chinese. The green Chinese are laughing at us.  As, by the way, are the Indians. And here’s why…

“The U.S. cash commitment $1billion

“China 0

“Russia 0

“India 0"

After stripping the subject down to fundamentals presented in simple English, Delingpole reaches his absolutely conclusion:

"Now do you see what I mean? President Trump pulled out of Paris for a lot of sensible reasons. But the one that tipped him over the edge was quite simply this: when you’ve got your fellow leaders of the free world insulting you with arguments you know to be [BS] and treating you like you’re some kind of an idiot, well suddenly it all becomes crystal clear what you’ve gotta do…

“You call those charlatans’ bluff and remember why it was that people voted you to be President of the U.S.A: because they wanted someone real doing the job, for a change, and not yet another of those charlatans…”

A most interesting coincidence is Delingpole’s use of the word “charlatans” in describing Trump’s rivals, because another article discussed Democrat frustration with their presidential candidate and party in general.      

Katherine Rodriguez writes: “Democrats are reportedly fed up with Hillary Clinton’s litany of excuses for losing the 2016 election and are asking her to step out of the limelight.

“The consensus among former Clinton aides, former Obama aides, and Democratic strategists is that Clinton’s remarks blaming the Democratic National Committee and others for her election loss are hurting her image and the image of the Democratic Party, the Hill reported.

“Clinton has also gone on-the-record blaming former FBI Director James Comey, the Russians, the press, her primary and general election opponents, and even sexism for her election loss.”

The constant whining about her loss and refusal to accept blame for the defeat has led to others, such as Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons, to say that Clinton “should talk more about where she went wrong in the election as opposed to blaming others for her elections.”

Simmons said: “It would be nice to hear a little more about the things she did wrong, which I believe mattered more than what she has discussed.”

And then, Simmons obviously correct premise was confirmed by the majority of 2913 readers, as reflected in the following sample comments:  

Swampeast wrote ”It was stolen from her, by the voters. We voted against the entitled witch."

524 “Likes” were recorded here.

Rick Brown wrote: “It wasn't stolen. They threw it away by forcing psycho-sexual perverts into little girl's bathrooms, committing so many felonies that were not charged due to Lynch's corruption, giving 400 billion in cash to Iran secretly in cash, and embracing the BLM thugs."
307 “Liked” this one. 

catluvr wrote: “Vowing to bring in even more immigrants.” 

167 “Likes” for this one.

Michael wrote: “I watched both rallies on YouTube. Trump would talk about defending our borders, the economy, job creating, and stopping ISIS for over an hour and 30 minutes, 3 states a day, 6 days a week. Hillary would have her half and hour speeches of Trump for two days a week and talk only about Trump. What Trump said, how dare Trump say that, and can you believe what Trump said. No policy, no plans, no mention of ISIS or job creating. Even to try and fill her rallies, she needed celebs to fill them. She was nothing but a political donor puppet.”

242 “Likes” recorded here.

All of which serves to confirm that while the left continues to suffer from its lack of plans, programs or platforms to attract others beyond its staunchest current supporters, the rest of the voting public’s well aware of the party’s stagnation.

And what’s more, it also seems that the left itself dearly desires to have someone other than Clinton represent them.

That’s it for today folks.


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