Sorting through news reports for the past two days suggests that a seismic shift may be about to take place regarding illegalities at the highest administrative levels of the U.S. And that’s because as a result of the Comey testimony, while President Trump has been fully exonerated, suspicion’s now arisen regarding former Attorney General, Loretta Lynch.
When testifying before Congress, the former FBI director said that Lynch asked him to refer to the Hillary Clinton email investigation as a "matter" — as opposed to an "investigation" — before a hearing in September.
Comey testified that he didn't resist the request because it "isn't a hill worth dying on" and because he expected media reports to "completely ignore it" and refer to it as an investigation anyway. Still, he said that Lynch's request "concerned" him because the language she suggested resembled the language the Clinton campaign itself was using.
While the indication of possible wrongdoing certainly exists, the probability of investigation increases for Lynch increases because yesterday it was announced that the Republican Steering Committee has elected South Carolina's Trey Gowdy to serve as the next chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, according to
“Gowdy will replace outgoing Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who is resigning from Congress at the end of June.
“Gowdy is a former federal prosecutor who led a two-year inquiry into the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and was an outspoken critic of the Obama administration. As the new chairman, he will lead oversight of the Trump administration, including a nascent investigation of possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump’s campaign.”
Rush picked up on the revelations from Comey’s testimony, saying that “Democrats and some in the media owe President Donald Trump an apology.”
“I want you to put yourself in their shoes again. Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Pencil Neck Schiff, the Drive-By Media. They have known… Folks, this is crucially important. These people, in the real world, owe Donald Trump such an apology. You can’t believe how big they owe him an apology. The Democrat Party, the American media have known since probably January that Donald Trump has never been under investigation in whatever investigation is actually happening. And, you know what? If we learn somewhere down the road that there isn’t even an investigation ongoing, I won’t be surprised. I haven’t seen one shred of evidence.
“We don’t have any crimes.
“We haven’t been told what crimes are being pursued.
“All we have been is lied to!
“The only thing that’s happened here is the Democrat Party lost an election. They rigged their primary election. And there’s never been any evidence, and now we know [Trump’s] never even been targeted as the investigation’s primary actor. The only thing that’s happened here is that the Democrats lost an election that they and everybody in the world thought they were gonna win big.
“They have been humiliated. They had a rotten candidate who still can’t get over it, who’s going insane before everybody’s eyes every time she shows up anywhere. So is every other Democrat slowly but surely losing his or her mind — and over here we’ve got this nebulous investigation that the FBI and the courageous and patriotic James Comey are conducting. What investigation? Of who? Of what! I could make the case that there is a never-ending investigation of Russian hackery and it’s probably taking place at the CIA and the NSA, and it’s not really an investigation.”
In regard to having a “rotten candidate” as suggested by Rush, T.A. Frank came to the same conclusion, heading his article yesterday: “Can Hillary Clinton Please Go Quietly into the Night?
Frank’s contention is that among other faults, Clinton never proposed a viable platform, writing: “All of this would be easier to take if Hillary were on a crusade for a distinctive cause, in the manner of Bernie Sanders or Pat Buchanan or Jesse Jackson or Ross Perot. But when she offers her take on the world, she speaks in clichés and vague generalities like “progress” versus “turning back the clock.” Such teleological smugness (to which Barack Obama was likewise prone) doesn’t just attract the ire of conservatives; liberals can get miffed, too. Is “progress” on the side of expanding NATO or the opposite? Is it on the side of greater National Security Agency surveillance or of less? Is it in favor of immigration amnesty or high-tech border security? We all want to move forward, but maybe we’re not all facing Hillary’s way.
The article summarizes Frank’s opinion that, “Even without a clear cause to illuminate them, Hillary’s beliefs could have been sharpened a lot just by explaining what, in hindsight, she felt Bill got right or wrong in his presidency. But she never offered up such a critique, nor, oddly, did anyone really press her to do so.”
“Hillary—who has been pinning her defeat on Comey and Vladimir Putin and the Democratic National Committee and Wikileaks and “a thousand Russian agents” and high expectations and the press and sexism and voter suppression and, for all I know, static cling—is a major optimist. That’s great for persistence and mental well-being. She’s ready to keep driving the bus. But it’s not so great for knowing when to quit. That’s where the passengers come in.”
A different take on the Comey hearing came from comedian Jackie Mason who said it was “Like a ‘Funeral Where Everybody’s Enjoying Themselves”
“Everybody covered it. Every station everywhere in the world, whether it was on television, radio, people without a station, anywhere you went, they covered it,” Jackie said. “Except for the cartoon channel. And they’re the only ones who should have covered it, because let’s be honest, this was the biggest joke you ever saw in your life,” according to Daniel Nussbaum
“Jackie says we really only learned two things from the Comey hearing; the first is that Comey is either the most hated or the most beloved man in the country, depending on one’s political affiliation. And the second is that the American people can completely trust Comey… “except as head of the FBI.”
Nancy Pelosi also tried to ring in on the subject, but apparently couldn’t whereas, as reported “Shortly after calling into question President Trump's mental health on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's own mental health came under scrutiny, as the 77-year-old California congresswoman referred to President Trump as "President Bush" and forgot what day of the week it is.
“A reporter quickly helped her correct the gaffe, interjecting "Trump," but Pelosi appeared oblivious she slipped up.
“An aide then emerged from the sidelines, passing Pelosi a note, notifying her she got the two presidents mixed up again.
“Pelosi's confusion came just two hours after suggesting Trump was losing his mind. "I am concerned," she said on MSNBC, about Trump's "fitness for office."
"I think his family should be concerned about his health," Pelosi said. "The fact is that this is hopefully not reparable -- he’s the president of the United States."
"You mean you hope it is reparable?" Joe Scarborough asked, apparently confused.
"Yeah, yeah," she replied.
And while all this was going on, Trump once again took great advantage of the Comey distraction, as addressed by Rush once more.
“RUSH: You know, we talked about this, too, not long ago, the discovery that whenever there were fines issued by the DOJ and the Obama administration, the fine money went to left-wing special interest groups, and Eric Holder administered it. It was almost like an Obama slush fund. Well, Jeff Sessions has just ended this. The DOJ will no longer make payments to left-wing special interest groups with money collected by fining various criminal activity. This is a huge, huge deal. People didn’t even know it was going on.
“What Obama and Holder did was direct the vast majority of it to left-wing special interest groups, such as Planned Parenthood or any other number of left-wing special interests. We’re talking millions and millions of dollars. This also served as an impetus to levy more fines and raise those fines in order to redistribute that money to left-wing special interest groups.
“And it was only a couple years ago that we found out about this, as I say, because of the FOIA efforts of people at Judicial Watch. The Heritage Foundation, Peter Schweizer, they were all looking into this.”
So, here we have another example of how Trump operates. Because, while the MSM spends its time and resources on fabrications such as the nonexistent Trump/Russia connection, Trump has his administration undoing Obama regulations and consummate professionals like Gowdy replacing Chaffetz. All of which leaves the left in a very, very big hole to dig out of, if that’s even possible.
That’s it for today folks.
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