Wednesday, June 21, 2017


The loss of the House race in Georgia comes on the heels of yesterday’s blog in which this author questioned the Democrat objective. Which seems to be nothing more than “fighting back” against the American Dream as represented by President Trump.

And from the election results, it appears that voters are none to sure of what Democrats offer either.   

Liz Peek writes that Democrats “poured tens of millions of dollars into what became the most expensive House race ever.” With a candidate, 30-year-old “nonentity” Jon Ossoff, the race was cast as a "referendum on Donald Trump, and a bellwether for 2018.”

The winning Republican, Karen Handel, “worked her way up through state politics and was a reliable middle-of-the-road candidate.” 

And then Ms Peek raised the critically important point for Democrats, that: “What is undoubtedly true is this: despising Donald Trump is not much of a platform."

“The loss of the Georgia election is devastating for Democrats. There were plenty of reasons to think they might score an upset, and they went for broke. The race became not a referendum on President Trump, but on Democrats’ ability to convert their newfound energy and activism into wins at the ballot box. They failed, and many will wonder if the party’s leadership has what it takes to get them back on track.”

Larry Sabato, Director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics  stated on Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” that “the results of Georgia’s special election are saddening for Democrats, and they should learn the lesson that re-taking the House and defeating President Trump will be long and difficult,” as reported by Ian Hanchett

Sabato went on: “[F]or Democrats, obviously, it’s pretty depressing. … I think, if Democrats learn a lesson from this election, it’s that the euphoria that they’ve felt for the last several months as Donald Trump has fallen in the polls and they began to believe that this would be — not easy, but doable to take over the House of Representatives and eventually replace Donald Trump, that euphoria is gone, and it’s replaced with reality. And the reality is, it’s going to be a long, twilight struggle, day in and day out, if they’re going to be able to re-take the House and eventually defeat Donald Trump. It won’t be easy. It may not be possible.”

A reader, Patricia Mulligan, offered Democrats some advice, commenting: “Maybe if you'd spend less time trying to fight Trump and spend a little more time listening to what Americans want, you'd do a little better. America is fed up with you little people telling us what we want and need. Try to stop all your strategizing and start LISTENING.”

Then, Charlie Spiering who’s also, addressed the subject as well, writing: “White House Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway celebrated the humiliating defeat for Democrats in Georgia on Tuesday night after Republican Karen Handel beat her challenger Jon Ossoff.

“Laughing my #Ossoff,” she wrote on Twitter after it was clear that Handel was winning.

“Conway also took a shot at the pundits who predicted a loss for Trump and Republicans in Georgia.

“Thanks to everyone who breathlessly and snarkily proclaimed GA06 as a “referendum on POTUS,” she wrote. “You were right.”

“Conway thanked Handel for “being a grownup” and “running on the issues” — while actually living in the district she was running to represent.

“Welcome to Congress,” she wrote and highlighted Handel’s call to “lift up this nation so that we can find a more civil way to deal with our disagreements.”

Another Breitbart writer, Jeff Poor, presented a different perspective. This one coming from Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson who opened his show on why Democrats are continuing to lose these elections, as follows:
“[D]emocrats still have literally no idea why they keep losing elections. If they did they would have run a real candidate with a real job who understands the constituents he is attempting to represent.
“Instead, Democrats put up a 30-year-old semi-employed documentary filmmaker who can’t even vote for himself because he doesn’t live in the district. He’s got a ton of trendy rich people positions on just about every topic – the abortion people love him. He is gravely concerned about climate and childhood obesity and the availability of organic kale. He thinks illegal aliens are noble. He went to the London School of Economics. He is super fit and way smarter than you want.
“We could go on and on, but you’ve seen it all before. That’s the point. Voters have seen it before, too. And outside of Brooklyn and in the west side of L.A., they are not that into it. That’s why Democrats keep losing.”
However, while all those pundits quoted above have surely presented valid points, none have taken the issue far enough. Because, as noted in yesterday’s blog, significant numbers of voters are simply sick and tired of Democrat leadership’s hypocrisy.  

And when you have multi-millionaires continually exhorting the less fortunate populace to pay higher taxes, redistribute whatever’s theirs and give up job opportunity to illegal entrants, sooner or later even the dimmest leftist will wake up and smell the double-standard.   

All of which suggests that Larry Sabato was correct in his assessment that unless something changes in the Democrat mantra : “[T]he reality is, it’s going to be a long, twilight struggle, day in and day out, if they’re going to be able to re-take the House and eventually defeat Donald Trump. It won’t be easy. It may not be possible.”

And then there's an example of what lies ahead should Democrats continue creating phantom charges against the president.  

As mentioned last week, South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy secured one of Congress’s most powerful investigative posts when voted in as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. 

Now having nearly boundless jurisdiction to probe executive branch misdeeds and abuses, he “criticized congressional Democrats Tuesday for making what he called "reckless, baseless allegations" about President Trump's involvement in Russian activities during the 2016 election campaign,” according to

"There are members of both the House and the Senate who [say] 'I’ve seen evidence that is more than circumstantial, but not direct,'" Gowdy told Fox News. "There is no way it can be more than circumstantial but not direct."

“Gowdy, who serves on the House intelligence committee investigating possible connections between Russian officials and members of the Trump campaign, said a member of the panel "said this week that he has seen evidence [but] he can’t tell us what it is [and] it’s not beyond a reasonable doubt.

"There’s no way to defend yourself against those kinds of baseless, reckless accusations," Gowdy said.

So now there’s a much more vociferous individual at the helm of an investigative committee who’ll not stand still for baseless, politically-motivated charges. Which brings us back to Liz Peek’s observation that: “What is undoubtedly true is this: despising Donald Trump is not much of a platform.” 

Thus, combining the two elements, baseless reckless accusations and the total lack of a viable Democrat platform brings us back to Sabato for a third time today and his observation that eventually defeating  Donald Trump “may not be possible.”

That's it for today folks.


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