Wednesday, June 14, 2017


While yesterday’s appearance by Attorney General Jeff Sessions before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was conducted on strictly partisan lines, a couple of interesting points were validated. 

First and foremost, the Democrats have no case against the POTUS, yet continue kicking the same dead dog trying to fabricate guilt where there is none. 

Next, the POTUS made a very wise choice in selecting Sessions as AG, whereas he knows precisely how the political game is played in Congress which is extremely helpful in doing his job properly.  

And then, by recognizing an opportunity presented by California's Dianne Feinstein questions, Sessions brought attention to former FBI Director Comey’s mishandling of the Clinton email investigation. Which may now, very well come to the fore again.

As the pieces continue to come together regarding the POTUS’s shift into the political arena from the business world, evidence mounts illustrating that typical “DC” insiders still don’t understand him or how he operates.

An example can be seen in today’s column by Michael Goodwin who’s quoted here often because he’s more aware of what’s happening in the political scene than most others. However, even Goodwin has yet to grasp Trump’s basic appeal or the desires of those who put him in office. Although for most who voted for Trump, he’s still their man while traditional politicians in either major party are basically considered worthless. 

Goodwin wrote: “Watching Attorney General Jeff Sessions try to bat away Democrats’ smears and innuendo Tuesday, I had two reactions:

“One, he’s been an honorable public servant who deserves better than an inquisition.

“Two, President Trump made a mistake in naming him attorney general. It’s an error that helped to set a national disaster in motion.

“Indeed, my reactions frame the story of the Trump presidency so far. The opposition is ruthless and without principle, but it couldn’t get as far as it has without the president’s inadvertent help. Either way, for them it’s a win-win. They win if Trump’s agenda is stalled, and they win bigger if he gets impeached.”

Goodwin relates that although politics is a “a dirty business,” and that Democrats “still don’t have an agenda of their own that will move the economy forward or protect America from terrorism,” nonetheless they “have managed to muddy the waters so much that Trump’s popularity is sinking.”  

“Some 60 percent of the public now disapproves of the president’s job performance, according to the latest Gallup tracking poll. That’s an all-time high, with only 36 percent approving.

“The case is a perfect example of how Trump, the ultimate outsider, is bedeviled by the culture of insiders. From leaks of classified information to heads exploding every time he does something the bureaucracy doesn’t like, he is having trouble turning his campaign appeal into government performance.”

After making his case, Goodwin closes by opining: “There is much truth in the charges, yet truth alone is not nearly enough to win the day. The president needs to find solutions that get the public back on his side, and he needs to find them fast.”

However, what Goodwin seems to unable to grasp is that poll and media-wise, Trump never had the majority of the public on his side, before, during or after the election. Yet, he still won the presidential election. And with the exception of the LA Times and Investor's Business Daily/TIPP polls, Trump never had a chance at the presidency whatsoever.  

Which means that instead of the polls, Goodwin should take a closer look at what the Sessions testimony accomplished, as reported by Ian Mason today.

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions hit back against any implication of improper meetings with Russian officials in a prepared opening to his testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Tuesday.

“Let me state this clearly colleagues. I have never met with or had any conversation with any Russian or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the United States,” Sessions told the committee. “Further, I have no knowledge of any such conversations by anyone connected to the Trump campaign.”

“The suggestion that I participated in any collusion or that I was aware of any collusion with the Russian government to hurt this country, which I have served with honor for 35 years, or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process, is an appalling and detestable lie.”

The Attorney General then clarified misleading comments from Senator Franken.

“Senator Franken asked me a rambling question after some six hours of testimony that included dramatic, new allegations that the United States intelligence community, the U.S. intelligence community, had advised President-elect Trump that “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump’s surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” I was taken aback by that explosive allegation, which he said was being reported as breaking news that very day and which I had not heard. I wanted to refute – immediately – any suggestion that I was part of such activity. I replied, quote, “Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities.  I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have – did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it,” end quote.”

So here we have a man, Sessions, who knows how to give back what he gets in the political arena disguised as a Senate hearing. Which means that, writers like Goodwin need to take a step back and realize that a strategic thinker like the POTUS knows exactly what he’s doing when selecting those at his cabinet level.  

In that regard, even the none-too-supportive Charles Krauthammer realized the positive impact of Sessions testimony, as reported by Ian Hanchett

Krauthammer said Sessions “exposed the absurdity of this whole exercise. I mean, this is supposed to be about Russian meddling in our election. That wasn’t even an issue. Then it was supposed to be about the collusion. There’s not an ounce of evidence. … You know, this has been investigated for seven months. There have been leaks like the Titanic, and yet has there been any leak of anything implicating the president or — in the collusion with the Russians? No. And trying to tag it on Sessions is even more absurd.”

“He added, “[T]his seems to me to be a case of all smoke and no fire. Yes, it all looks like this is a cover-up, but where’s the crime? It’s the first cover-up in history in the absence of a crime.”

However, while no crime of any kind seems apparent after all this time, the hearing gave Sessions a chance to begin turning the table when questioned by leading Democrat Diane Feinstein. 

Feinstein asked: “So you’d had no verbal conversation with him about the firing of Mr. Comey?”

Sessions replied: “Well, I’m not able to discuss with you, or confirm or deny, the nature of private conversations that I may have had with the president on this subject or others.”

And then. given the opening, Sessions went on to tell Feinstein about his unhappiness with the way Comey handled the closing of the FBI’s investigation – unilaterally with no clearance from then-Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch – of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of State.

“That was really a usurpation of the authority of the federal prosecutors in the Department of Justice,” Sessions said. “It was a stunning development. The FBI is the investigative team. They don’t decide prosecution policies, and so that was a thunderous thing.” He also commented at some length on the declination of the Clinton prosecution, as something “which you shouldn’t do.”

Which means that’s there’s now an opportunity for the investigative  process to pursue the Clinton email case again, as well as any involvement of Comey or Lynch. Something its a sure bet that Sessions will follow through on.  

Bringing us to another indication of what voters really think, despite MSM published poll numbers.

Chris Ariens writes that: “A re-air of CBS’s 60 Minutes more than doubled the viewership of NBC’s Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly.

“In head-to-head competition, 60 Minutes, which was Sunday’s most-watched show, drew 7.9 million viewers while the second episode of Kelly’s show, which included an interview with Erin Andrews, averaged 3.6 million, down -42 percent from its debut episode a week earlier.”

And if that isn’t a valid confirmation of what the general public’s opinion of the left-leaning media is, it would be hard to imagine what would be.    

Leaving today’s final item, as follows: 

Now that the POTUS has pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord, not very much appears in the press regarding global-warming. However, yesterday according to James Delingpole “A global warming research study in Canada has been cancelled because of “unprecedented” thick summer ice.

“According to Vice: Naturally, the scientist in charge has blamed it on ‘climate change.’
“The study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million four-year-long program headed by the University of Manitoba. It was planning to conduct the third leg of its research by sending 40 scientists from five Canadian universities out into the Bay on the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to study “contributions of climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay system.”
“But it had to be cancelled because the scientists’ icebreaker was required by the Canadian Coast Guard for a rather more urgent purpose – rescuing fishing boats and supply ships which had got stuck in the “unprecedented ice conditions.”

While it would be much fun to add considerable commentary to this undoing of another ongoing leftist myth, the situation clearly speaks for itself. 

So, that’s it for today folks.


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