Wednesday, February 8, 2017


From their continual self-defeating actions, it seems that Democrat leadership has yet to realize that the nation’s voting patterns have changed significantly. And thus, the more they continue to cater to their base, the less their chances of regaining broader appeal or wins at the polls. 

What’s more, they don’t seem to accept the fact that they were beaten in November because as a candidate Trump went to the people and asked what they wanted him to do. And then, once elected, he set out to deliver precisely that for them, as promised. 

As a result, by taking a totally negative stance against any and all that Trump proposes, Democrats  are thereby also purposefully opposing the wants and desires of roughly 70% of the American people.   

Once again, an insightful analysis of the situation comes from Michael Goodwin this morning.

Mr. Goodwin writes: “The madness was on full display Monday night when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer boasted in a tweet from outside the Capitol that “While the GOP is pushing a vote on Betsy DeVos, the people are rallying outside. We’re with them.” 

“Think of that: The Democrats’ leader walks out on his job to play the role of a man of the people in a staged demonstration. This is a party that has lost its mind, as well as its soul.”

Mr. Goodwin then goes on to explain the mistakes made by Trump's election opponent and her team who attempted to pour “acid” on him “thinking they could make him so toxic that he would be disqualified. They were wrong.” 

“Yet even now, they apparently have no idea why they failed because they are following the same script again. They continue to denounce Trump in the most hyperbolic terms, declare his nominees unfit and dangerous — and expect a different outcome.

“They shouldn’t hold their breath. Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. 

“What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?” 

While Mr. Goodwin’s commentary is right on the mark, as always, the magnitude of the Democrat’s problems was compounded by the results of two major polls today.  

Reuters “Polling Explorer" shows Trump having a 50.7% approval rating. Only 44.5% disapprove while 10.3% have “mixed feelings.”

And then the “Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.”

However, making things far worse for Democrat objectors: “Most voters favor the president's temporary ban on refugees and on visas for those from seven Muslim-majority countries that the State Department views as terrorist havens. Trump wants to ensure that the government can adequately screen out potential terrorists before letting any more newcomers into the country. “ 

Rasmussen further reported that the president on Monday told military leaders tasked with dealing with the Middle East that “radical Islamic terrorism” is America’s number one enemy. While Obama would not use that phrase “for fear of offending Muslims worldwide,” most voters not only “continue to believe the United States is at war with radical Islam, forty-six percent (46%) of them think the country is headed in the right direction, compared to 28% a year ago at this time.” 

All of which underlines not only the magnitude of Democrats self-inflicted problems, but makes one wonder why they continue to refuse to recognize how domestic and foreign-policy issues are changing around them. Because despite the favoritism and support received from the MSM, the majority of voters don’t want them in office.      

In closing, a Facebook friend posted this one today: “I've never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a 'fat cat' and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money is a 'public-spirited philanthropist'. -Ronald Reagan”

That's it for today folks. 


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