Saturday, February 11, 2017


Much like events prior to the new president's electoral victory indicating his extremely high chance of the win, many signs point to significant loss ahead for the Democrat party, its credibility and constituency. Despite the huge effort and unyielding support of the MSM.  

Prior to the U.S. elections in November, indications surfaced elsewhere that unbridled socialism and globalism faced rebellion from dissatisfied citizens across Europe, South America and even the Middle-East. Representations included the Brexit vote, Venezuela’s revolt and uprisings in Syria.

An underlying theme of these events centers on citizens wishes for change through reduction of government overbearance and the desire for a more nationalistic environment.     
And now, today, another indicator of greater worldwide desire for nationalism and greater security comes from Jack Montgomery, who writes: “Chancellor Angela Merkel is setting aside €90m (£76m) in taxpayers’ money to create a fund which will pay migrants to withdraw their asylum applications and leave Germany voluntarily.

“The handouts will form part of a 16-point plan to speed up the removal of rejected asylum seekers, after Tunisian migrant Anis Amri murdered a Polish lorry driver, hijacked his vehicle and drove it into a Christmas market in Berlin while awaiting deportation.” 

Interestingly, our new POTUS told “The Times that Merkel made a “catastrophic mistake” when she opened the doors to an unlimited number of migrants in 2015.” 

Similarly, Merkel’s vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, “admitted that his superior had underestimated how difficult it would be to integrate migrants on such a grand scale, and that Germany had been plunged into a kulturkampf, or “cultural war”, as a result.” 

While the situation in Germany is additional evidence of the ramifications of unbridled immigrant entry, Rush had some commentary on the decisions made by the Ninth Circuit Court this week.  

Rush said yesterday: “But at the root of all of this, is the Constitution being ignored, the will of the people being ignored, liberalism. And they have their various areas where they engage in this nefarious activity, and those areas shield them and give them authority and give them respect, like scientists in climate change and judges in the law wearing black robes eminently educated, among the best and brightest of our legal minds, educated in some of the finest liberal indoctrination centers — I’m sorry, law schools — in the country.”

Rush then opined: “I happen to think the vast majority of everybody who voted for Trump is livid over what’s happening here with this Robart character and the Ninth Circus. You know what else they’re livid about? You turn on CNN — I just saw it a minute ago — Jacob Chaffetz, a bunch of other Republicans in the House going back home and they’re having town hall meetings, and a bunch of progressives are showing up, and they’re bought and paid for just like they’re bought and paid to riot.” 

Finding fault with the way that DOJ lawyers argued the executive order before the two courts involved, Rush went on to note that “there have been at least 80 alleged terrorists who have emigrated from those seven countries since 9/11. And if you’re like me, you’re saying, “Well, where the hell was the "Why didn’t he have this information?” Folks, I don’t know if they had it and purposely didn’t use it; I don’t know if because they’re just now getting settled in after the inauguration they weren’t prepared to defend the executive order in court. I don’t know if the implementation of this thing was not up to speed. None of that matters when you go to down to the law!”

And that’s the point, because “what’s going on here is all four of these judges — Robart and these three judges at the Ninth Circuit — are simply Trump opponents. They were not acting as judges. They’ve got the cover of acting as judges because they work at courts, but they are left-wing activists. This is no different than Donna Brazile. These three judges are no different than Paul Begala or James Carville sitting on those courts, or Matt Lauer, or take your pick of any Drive-By journalist. That’s exactly who they are. That is what we’re dealing with.”

In summary, Rush put the pieces together, concluding that: “They are there to do whenever they can to attack, limit, destroy any other agenda that is in opposition to theirs. You know these people; you know these people hate Trump. They despise Trump. They’re all part of the establishment. They despise Trump because he’s from outside and because he won the election.”

However, while Rush is obviously quite upset with the temporary setback on the illegal immigration issue, the overall trend is moving very strongly the other way. And issue by issue, Trump and his supporters are making substantial headway.

In that regard, Larry Schweikart wrote this morning ‘'Warnings — or, in some cases, celebrations — that the Democrats are on the verge of a disastrous collapse have been growing more frequent recently.”

He too quoted Rush, writing: “Since the election, Rush Limbaugh has been hammering the point that the campaign has only continued — and extended the trend set in 2010, when Democrats lost the House. 

“Since then, Democrats have lost 1200 national and statewide seats. And earlier this week, Stewart Lawrence, writing in the Daily Caller, and picking up on a study by the centrist “Third Way” think tank, noted that the Democrats are now almost exclusively a coastal party, with a couple of lone interior outposts such as Chicago and Minneapolis.” 

According to the study, although Trump lost California, New York and Massachusetts by 30%, he won the rest of the states by 52-48%. What’s more; “Some 32 state legislatures are in Republican hands, but in only five states do Democrats control both houses of the legislature and the governor’s mansion. And, as many (including Lawrence) note, in 2018 the Democrats must defend 10 U.S. Senate seats in states that Trump won.” 

“Meanwhile, Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, once thought dead in the water, won re-election in 2016, as did John McCain in Arizona, despite the fact that many conservatives, sick of his antics, voted for the Democrat. If the left can’t win these seats — the most low-hanging of fruit — where can they win?” 

As regular readers know, a very strong and ordinarily accurate sense of the public’s feelings can be found in the reader’s comments following articles in most publications. That’s why they’re often posted here when appropriate.    

Today, one of them reflected the thoughts of many others, presenting a dissection of what the Democrat party’s become. The opinion was quite long, therefore, only the first and last few paragraphs are included:    

Reader Virgil Sollozzo wrote: “The Democrat Party has finally turned into what they've been skirting the edges of for years. As of now, they are a small but vocal radical anti-American fringe group.. Ideologically, they've become the Weather Underground without the bombs, yet.

“The Democrat agenda is one of class warfare, the baiting of and exploitation of racial turmoil, the support of mob rule, (i.e. opposing the Electoral College while supporting BLM), and the unconditional embracing of Islam. 

“Basically Democrats require two core constituencies for their existence, and without them they would cease to be. One is a permanent and dependent underclass that is easily manipulated with lies and the promise of free stuff. And the second is the ever present and perpetual victim class. In other words, misery, despair, unrest, and manufactured victimization are their lifeblood, and they must keep it all alive by any means necessary in order for them to maintain any kind of power. This is what Democrats will be fighting for over the next four years, not against as they'll tell us ad nauseam.. Their sickness has infected us for way to long, and their demise cannot come soon enough.” 

539 others “liked” the reader’s comment, which is not surprising whereas the text presented clearly what the Democrat party has become. And that also illustrates clearly what voters “liked” about the new POTUS as well. Because, for most citizens a positive outlook is held, generally regardless of the topic involved. 

However, typical Democrats can’t grasp that concept, never have and with their current leadership, never will. And that's why they're disappearing.

That’s it for today folks. 


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