Friday, February 3, 2017


Yesterday’s entry began with premise that the panicked chaos now occurring in the Democrat party is due in great part to the leadership’s having reached their “level of incompetence.” A result occurring in those arriving in positions above the limits of their capabilities through promotions or other means. In high-ranking politician's cases the inability to counter opposition in a professional manner often forces them to resort to insults, slurs and any and all manner of derision of their competition instead.     

Giving the matter further consideration later on, another thought arose, particularly in the case of politicians. Because, most often their rise through party ranks has far more to do with patronage, longevity in office, “deals” of myriad fashion, fund-raising capabilities or simple popular appeal than the particular skills required by the positions they attain. 

The circumstance once again was remindful of a personal experience occurring many years ago when, due to adverse conditions in major money-markets I became self-employed, forced to function as a ”broker.” Involved in several viable transactions at the time, research led me to a major southern bank as a possible resource for funding.   
When visiting their local office in Manhattan, the officer in charge informed me that although they were no longer dealing with third party’s, the transactions had great appeal. Whereupon he suggested that since I was independent, perhaps I’d like to take a job and run his Eastern Region.      

After agreeing on the specifics of employment, the officer informed me that although we already had a “deal,” whereas the employer was a bank, he still needed some personal/professional data for his files. When asked about my business background, I replied that I had five full years of experience. To that he inquired if I'd meant I had five years experience or one year of experience five times?    

And that brings us right back to not only the current leadership of the Democrat party, but elected politicians in general. Because they spend year after year in the same environment, not only repeating the same functions, tasks and routines, but having any true work involved performed by members of their staffs rather than themselves. 

Which means it’s not only highly likely, but almost a certainty that beyond advancing political adeptness, their functional job competence doesn’t grow at all. And therefore, much, if not most of what they encounter outside their limited scope of retaining their positions is far beyond their intellectual/technical capabilities. 

An indication of the preceding premise can be seen in an article this morning in which David Catanese reports that the breakneck speed Trump has embarked on during his first two weeks has a “dizzying effect for Democrats.”  

Benjamin Ginsberg, a political scientist at John Hopkins University said, “Whether intended or accidental, Trump's barrage of initiatives is thus far, by sheer volume and audacity, having the effect of confusing and overwhelming his opponents.” 

Proving the point: “In a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer declared that the early theme defining President Donald Trump's administration was "incompetence leading to chaos.It's amazing how poorly done so many things have been that have come out of the White House in the first two weeks." 

Nancy Pelosi followed by saying, “Trump's selection of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court was bad "if you breathe air, drink water, eat food or take medicine." 

“And in the wake of Trump's abrupt firing of the nation's acting attorney general, Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a candidate for Democratic Party chairman, rushed so quickly to vilify the president he left out a word in his merciless statement. 

"By all accounts, this is looking like failed presidency," he said. 

However, what’s become obvious is that the major underlying reason for Democrat vilification of Trump stems from their lack of positive, viable, attractive alternatives for voters. 

In that regard, Catanese notes that there's “a risk in outright, perpetual obstruction as well and it's simmering below the surface in conversations between Democratic lawmakers, leaders and strategists as the party debates the most effective path forward: If Democrats protest everything with hair-on-fire outrage, will anything end up sticking with the American public beyond their infinite indignity? If they cry wolf every 12 hours, will the effect of their urgency wane over time? Instead of presenting an alternative vision, will they end up looking simply like a party of outrage?"

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut seems to have picked up on the looming peril ahead for his party whereas he said: “We need to be guided by a positive message about economic growth for everybody and a country that includes everybody. We can't respond to everything. You have to decide what to respond to based on what your vision for the country is." 

And in that nutshell, Murphy defined the Democrat's current quagmire. Because the problems facing his party now aren’t purely political. They’re the result of the effects of both the Peter Principle and having people at the top who’ve never increased their managerial capabilities an iota, regardless of how many years they’ve been in office. Thus, in the absence of viable answers, personal mudslinging has to suffice. And that's what's going to sink them.

Bringing us to a final item, this one from Pat Buchanan, in which he analyzes what he believes is “the coming clash with Iran.” 

While the article itself details Pat’s reasons for concern, preferring for the nation to become more isolationist, the reader’s comments that follow illustrate another significant reason for Democrats to worry about their party’s future. 

Reader's responses, pro and con, are well thought out, quite rational and illustrate a large group of people who are well aware of what transpires in the world today. And those responses are a far cry from typical commentary at major leftist sites where slurs, insults and demeaning gibberish far outweigh meaningful dialog. 

Getting the gist of reader’s intellectual capacity’s is well worth some investigation: here’s a link:
That's it for today folks. 


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