Tuesday, February 14, 2017


As the Trump cabinet continues to slowly fill in, much of the headline news centers on the resignation of Mike Flynn, President Trump’s national security adviser. 

Flynn stepped down yesterday amid pressure from revelations that he didn’t fully explain communications he had late last year with the Russian ambassador to the U.S, Sergey Kislyak.

The incident struck home particularly because it occurred later on the same day when advice was posted here from Michael Goodwin @nypost.com warning Trump about “the lessons learned about the difficulty of the road ahead and that nothing can be taken for granted. Every inch of progress will require intense preparation and a willingness to battle on multiple fronts.” 

While Mr. Goodwin was referring to the ramifications resulting from the executive order about the desired immigration temporary suspension his analysis is worth repeating: "Nonetheless, what’s taken place yields long-range positive results because: “Those are rookie mistakes, driven in part by Democrats’ delaying tactics in confirming Attorney General Sessions and others. Yet that reality only underscores how deep the hostility is and how little room there is for error. The lynch mob can succeed only if the White House provides the rope.

“As a candidate and president, Trump has endured slings and ­arrows unprecedented in modern times. The onslaught is also harming America, but the madness will be bearable if he finishes the revolution he started.” 

While the margin for error certainly is infinitesimally small, as a practical matter there are 16 positions at the official "Cabinet Member,” level along with 8 other cabinet level officials. And then, according to answers.com, 100 White House staff members need to be replaced, as well.

Considering the size of the personnel task involved, the original thought here was to first flesh out the magnitude of the job and then tie that point to Mr. Goodwin’s, about how important it is to avoid self-inflicted mistakes. Particularly because it was expected here that the backlash against Trump would be loud, vicious and considerable from the left.  

However, quite surprisingly, when researching an article @wsj.com, no friend of Trump’s, it was found that reader’s comments were not only quite supportive of the new POTUS, many contained a very positive outlook. 

Some samples follow, representing the majority.    

Ralph Fluchel wrote: “The phone call to the Russian ambassador was a big nothing, but lying to president and vice president is another matter. Why Flynn responded with lies about the phone call is unclear, but whatever the reason, Flynn had to go. Unfortunately, it will be seen as a propaganda victory for the Democrats. These days, the Democrats are all about propaganda, mostly false propaganda. 

“Let us hope that the president can find a replacement equally realistic about our Islamic enemies, which include not only terrorists but also advocates of sharia law, which is in direct opposition to the U.S. Constitution.” 

Scott Bader opined; “Flynn's position on Islam contains nothing that is incorrect. As for talking to an Ambassador from Russia? Who cares? Sorry Trump caved.” 

Sarah Farrar added: “Anyone else notice the influx of new trolls here these days?

“If you check out their Profiles, they all have logged in fewer than a dozen or so left-wing comments. 

“My question is:  Who is paying for these subscriptions?  

“Could that wretched George Soros be involved with this...... footing yet another humongous bill with the intention of mixing things up a bit? 

“I don't mind...in fact, we must welcome these trollsters.  They might actually learn something.  Lord knows they aren't going to hear the truth anywhere else they habitate.   

dave gaetano wrote: “Flynn saying that he was not going to discuss sanctions during a phone call is hardly discussing sanctions.  

“This forced resignation is a wholly concocted matter by the president's enemies. Score one for them.” 

Christine Garrity took the offensive, writing: “When Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi when four Americans were killed, she should have resigned in disgrace. When Hillary Clinton lied multiple times under oath to Congress about placing our national security at risk hundreds of times, she should have resigned in disgrace. She never did. At least Flynn placed the country first and resigned to enable the government to move ahead and not to mire in this issue. His indiscretion pales in comparison to what Clinton did.” 

bruce bosworth followed with: “When are the American progressive leftists going to start their hissy fit against Hillary Clinton for running an extortion and money laundering racket through the State Dept selling US national secrets, foreign policy decisions, and half of our raw uranium supplies to the Russians, then lying about it for 4+ years and counting???” 

So, what we have here is well-written, astute commentary coming from individuals obviously attuned to the workings of their government and its leadership. They also seem in total agreement with Mr. Goodwin’s perspective regarding “rookie mistakes,” quite willing to tolerate them as means to an end. 

And if this level of acceptance of the learning curve is truly representative of the majority of those in support of the new POTUS, Democrats are facing problems that even Soros' billions won't be able to overcome in the future.

That's it for today folks. 


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