Sunday, November 6, 2016


With the presidential race coming down to the wire, it’s a likely  certainty that most voters have long since made up their minds. And the results will be known to all two days from now.

As far as predictions are concerned, Ed Carson reports “Donald Trump has moved into the lead over Hillary Clinton, 44% to 43% with two days left before Election Day, according to the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll. And the number of states in play is expanding.”

Despite monumental efforts by the MSM to disparage, downplay and degrade Trump's chances, reality has deprived them from reaching their goal. In that regard: “Veteran election watcher Charlie Cook has backed away from his prediction less than two weeks ago that the race is "over."

"The race is in a different place than 8 or 9 days ago when there was virtually no path for Trump," the publisher of the Cook Political Report told The Hill on Saturday. "So yes, like everyone else, we've revised our assessment." 

Had Cook not “revised “ the assessment, there’s a very high probability of embarrassment whereas today’s USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times "Daybreak" poll shows Trump with a 5.6 point lead over his rival 48.2% to 42.6%. 

In regard to the politics of the contest, an article by Daniel Pickert, illustrates clearly that personal gain ranks far higher than the truth of most matters. Particularly for charlatans wishing to appear deeply concerned about the plight of their constituents.  

Mr. Pickert writes: “A “YouTube video surfaced earlier this year revealing clips from 1998 and 1999 of Rev. Jesse Jackson praising Donald Trump on two separate occasions for his "commitment" to diversity. 

“Jackson, a known Obama supporter in '08 and current endorser of Hillary Clinton, is shown introducing Trump at a forum for Jackson's Rainbow PUSH Coalition, a non-profit group founded with the intention of bringing more blacks and minorities into Wall Street and corporate America. 

“I do want to express thanks, you, Donald Trump, for being with us tonight,” Jackson says in the video. “We need your building skills, your gusto, your [unintelligible] for people on Wall Street to represent diversity, and we thank you for coming tonight.” 

“In the second clip, Jackson states:
I now want to bring forth a friend. He is deceptive in that his social style is of such, one can miss his seriousness and his commitment to success, which is beyond argument. When we opened this Wall Street project and we talked about it, he gave us space at 40 Wall Street, which was to make a statement about our having a presence there. And beyond that, in terms of reaching out, and being inclusive, he’s done that too.
“During Trump's remarks, the billionaire businessman and future GOP presidential nominee states: 
“I will tell you a large percentage of the people, and especially in construction, that are building these get jobs are black and minorities, and I’m very proud of it. We have close to 25% and I think the number’s going up. And they do a great job. There are no better builders than we have in New York, and a big percentage of that is black and minority folks…”
But that was then, and this is now which finds Trump having gone beyond business interests into a position where he might very well become POTUS. And therefore, Jackson’s changed his assessment of Trump  to where he now says: “Trump sounds "like a loser, whining about the inescapable reality that his brand of divisive and hateful politics will be rejected by most voters at the polls this November." 

What’s quite interesting about the article, is that at this stage in his career, it’s highly probable that if asked if they’d heard about Jesse Jackson’s commentary most folks would reply: “Who?”  

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

This one comes from Paul Sperry, he’s a former DC bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily and a Hoover Institution media fellow.

His article today provides an indication of the level of vulnerability and risk attained by the utilization of an authorized server in the Clinton home. In this case, evidenced by the involvement of  Marina Santos, employed there as a housekeeper. 

According to Mr. Sperry: “Clinton would first receive highly sensitive e-mails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.

“Among other things, Clinton requested Santos print out drafts of her speeches, confidential memos and “call sheets” — background information and talking points prepared for the secretary of state in advance of a phone call with a foreign head of state. 

An example states: “Clinton e-mailed top aide Huma Abedin regarding a redacted 2011 message marked sensitive but unclassified. Please ask Marina to print for me in am.” 

“In a classified 2012 e-mail dealing with the new president of Malawi, another Clinton aide, Monica Hanley, advised Clinton, “We can ask Marina to print this.” 

“According to a 2010 profile in The Philippine Star, close Clinton friend Vernon Jordan recommended Santos to the Clintons after she worked part-time for him.

“Bill Clinton gave a speech in Manila as part of his foundation and took time to visit with the family of the “mayordoma [housekeeper] of his Washington, DC, home — Marina Santos.” 

“He was quoted as describing Santos as the “wonderful woman who runs our home in Washington, without whom Hillary will not be able to serve as secretary of state.” The article ended remarking, without a hint of irony: “Marina now runs his house so that he and his wife can better serve interests higher than their own.” 

Thus, with the passage of time, mounting evidence clearly establishes constant and definitive security breaches at the highest level. Which means that in the event of Bill’s wife’s election as president, her prior transgressions nonetheless occurred.

And therefore, Congress will still have the obligation to pursue appropriate remedies, which suggests a quite tenuous term in office for her. Bringing up the almost exhausted question once more: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys are reading this?     

That's it for today folks.    


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