Friday, November 25, 2016


It seems there’s presently a chicken and egg quality to politics around the globe.

As mentioned here often during the months leading up to the presidential election, Trump’s chances of winning appeared quite strong to this writer, because of political trends taking place in Europe. During that time populations of many major European nations were illustrating very strong signs of significant dislike with the results of socialism, seeking to correct that with their votes. Up to and including results of the Brexit vote, surprising most leftist politicians, but not those doing the voting.

And now that Trump's been elected in the U.S., his victory has apparently bolstered confidence of those opposed to oppressive leftist governance in Europe. Which is bringing the political trend full circle as reported by James McAuley and Griff Witte this morning.

“When Donald Trump shocked the world with an upset victory in the U.S. presidential election this month, much of Europe was aghast. 

“But in at least one critical sense, the result couldn’t have been more European: Across the continent, parties of the center-left that have dominated politics for decades — and that have given Europe its reputation for generous social welfare systems — now find themselves beaten, divided and directionless. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are just the latest members of a beleaguered club.” 

The article goes on to report the details of political swings in Germany Britain, Spain, Greece, France and Italy where: “once-mighty center-left parties have been badly diminished, locked out of their nations’ top jobs for the foreseeable future, where they've been  usurped by newer, more radical alternatives,” or soon will be. “The rout of the center-left has even extended deep into Scandinavia, perhaps the world’s premier bastion of social democracy.” 

“Overall, the total vote share for the continent’s traditional center-left parties is now at its lowest level since at least World War II. Like the Democrats, these parties have been marginalized, with little influence over policy as the right prepares to place its stamp on the Western world in a way that could endure for decades. 

“If the left and the center-left don’t get their act together, then we’re looking at a period of very unstable right-wing hegemony,” said Alex Callinicos, a European studies professor at King’s College London. 

“With the economic crisis, and the negative effects of globalization, the socialists couldn’t convince the populations in their respective countries that the future lies in a liberal Europe,” said Gérard Grunberg, a historian of socialism at Sciences Po in Paris. “This is the end of the European utopia.” 

As mentioned here yesterday, the once extremely popular Tony Blair is now considering returning to the political arena in some fashion, although perhaps not as a candidate for office. However, that may be waste of his time and a mistake because, as recently as a decade ago, the picture was very different. He “was at the vanguard of a generation of European center-left leaders who had emulated Bill Clinton’s pragmatic Third Way politics and seemed poised to ride their marriage of social democracy with market liberalization to an unlimited future of electoral success.

“But the Great Recession — and the bumpy, deeply unequal recovery that followed — fundamentally changed that.

Despite the electorate’s recent change of heart, however: “Instead Tony Blair said, he is so “dismayed” by the current state of Western politics that he intends to build a platform to help the “millions of politically homeless people” in Britain. 

He compared June’s referendum on Brexit to agreeing to a house swap “without having seen the other house” and insisted that Brexit could be stopped once voters are able to evaluate its “consequences.” 

Reader, Marie Kavanaugh’s comment following the article was representative of what the vast majority of others posted in response, completely in disagreement with Blair.

“Blair is just another globalist who stood to be part of the rich and powerful of the world who would rule the rest of us.  He is another globalist who thinks, in the name of "fairness" we should all be alike, that we should lose our heritage and our nationality and become "citizens of a border-less world."  WE don't want that.  WE want to keep our heritage and take pride in our individual nationalities. 

“He had the audacity to say "You’ve got to understand, this has been driven essentially ideologically."  What the he!! does he think the NWO is if it isn't a leftist ideology?  Yet another hypocritical globalist who saw their little globalist power trip go down the tubes with the BREXIT vote and the election of Trump.  Both events that put a well deserved state into the heart of the NWO.  Let's not allow them to resurrect their evil plans. 

Thus, what resonates most loudly here is that while voter’s desires, preferences and even perhaps, ideology, have changed quite significantly, many of the left-leaning worldwide political elite don’t seem to be getting the message. 

And the more that that same left keeps permitting the likes of Blair in Britain and Ellison, Sanders and Warren here to have major influence on their party’s, the more opportunity arises for voter-oriented alternatives like Trump and those others who will follow behind him. 

Which clearly underlines the glaring faults of typical leftists who have the burden of being narrow-minded, short-sighted and worst of all; fundamentally wrong.     

And then, on another recurring topic, Marc Morano, further explained Trump’s current global-warming strategy.

“Donald Trump plans to put NASA’s focus back on space exploration and cut away programs that study climate change. Bob Walker, an adviser to Trump, told The Guardian that the incoming president wants to keep NASA away from ‘politicized science.” Francesca Chambers, Daily Mail, 23 November 2016”

The next item addressed came under the headline: “Antarctic Sea Ice Has Not Shrunk In 100 Years”

“Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after pouring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton. Experts were concerned that ice at the South Pole had declined significantly since the 1950s, which they feared was driven by man-made climate change. But new analysis suggests that conditions are now virtually identical to when the Terra Nova and Endurance sailed to the continent in the early 1900s, indicating that declines are part of a natural cycle and not the result of global warming. –Sarah Knapton, The Daily Telegraph, 24 November 2016” 

Then came one from the Washington Post, which on November 21 related: 

“In 2009, Al Gore announced ‘there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.’ The dates by which climate scientists and politicians said the ice would disappear have come and gone, while the ice has remained. Undaunted, fresh predictions have been made in every subsequent year. One problem that persists is that there is still only a relatively short series of direct measurements on which to base our understanding of the Arctic. Satellite monitoring of the Arctic only began in 1978, giving us less than forty years of reliable data. This may not be enough to establish what is normal – or abnormal – for the region. Until the noise of a century of media hype and unscientific speculation about the Arctic has been removed from the public debate, science will be unable to explain what, if anything, the signal from the Arctic is telling us. —GWPF Climate Briefing, November 2016” 

As another indicator of how incorrect present climate assumptions can be, an article today relates: 

“Tokyo woke up Thursday to its first November snowfall in more than half a century, leaving commuters to grapple with train disruptions and slick streets. 

“Snow began falling before dawn with the mercury approaching zero as a cold weather system moved south. 

“The Japan Meterological Agency said it was the first time snow had fallen in November in central Tokyo since 1962. 

“That was the first November accumulation since records began in 1875, the agency said.
“But experts say the situation is nothing to worry about. 

"Today's snowfall and accumulation occurred because several elements came together at once by chance," said Sakiko Nishioka, an agency official in charge of weather forecasting.
"It does not mean this can signal any unusual weather conditions this season such as a super cold winter," Nishioka told AFP, adding that it was also unclear if it was related to climate change or events such as El Nino. 

“Tokyo, which extends over a wide area and includes many suburbs, enjoys relatively mild winters compared to some other parts of the country where snowfall is more frequent.

Reader FrankW responded: “We are presently at the front end of a global cooling period. But this Tokyo snow still is a surprise. That trend is not supposed really to become evident, or obvious, for another five or ten years.” 

What the reader was likely addressing is the polar vortex, which is a zone of cold air that swirls around the Arctic during winter. When parts of the vortex break apart and splinter off, it can cause unseasonably cold conditions in late-winter and early-spring in the Northern Hemisphere. 

This happened in early 2014, causing an extreme weather event in the northern US and Canada. 

According to Fiona Macdonald, “a weaker polar vortex means a vortex that's more likely to break, and those breakages are what send unseasonably late winter blasts of cold air down to the rest of the world. 

“The weakening of the polar vortex isn't necessarily new - it's something several studies have shown over recent years. But this study also shows that the vortex is moving away from North America and towards Europe and Asia during February each year - and that could cause the east coast of the US to get even colder.” 

All of which demonstrates what can happen when simple plans get out of hand and take on a life of their own. Because, way back at the beginning, it’s highly likely that all AlGore was trying to accomplish by making global-warming an issue was a way to scam a few bucks selling and trading carbon-swaps. And then, with all the attention he drew, a whole new, climate-based, industry popped up.  

And now that global-warming’s being exposed for the fraud that is, it confirms the old warning to be careful for what you wish for. Because there are some things that simply can’t come true. Which means that AlGore never should have taken on Mother Nature in the first place.  

That’s it for today folks. 


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