Trying to ascertain Green Party candidate, Jill Stein’s, objective in calling
for a presidential vote recount in three states is quite difficult. That’s
because, while raising significant dollars for her, it makes no sense. None of
three races in question were even close, nor were there any hints of
improprieties, errors or illegality’s until she herself muddied the
waters. reports that speaking to Brad Friedman, host of
Radio Sputnik's Broadcast, she offered details about what it was she was trying
to accomplish with her initiative.
“Simply put, she said that the recount effort is meant to assure voters that
their votes were accounted for and counted accurately. "We have to move really
fast in order to basically verify the vote and be confident our votes were
actually counted, that they weren't flipped or stripped and that we have a
system of elections we can believe in," the candidate explained.”
Stein said that her "interest as a citizen, as a person in America, that the
vote be valid," is what's driving the effort from her end. "Why would anyone in
their right mind not want to have secure and verified vote? In a very vicious,
hotly contested election that used hack-friendly voting machines, in a
hack-riddled election, we deserve some confidence in the outcome of this
However, while Stein herself got roughly 1 percent of the national vote, and
now says she wants to make sure hackers didn't skew the results in those swing
states, how could a recount possibly matter to her?
Trump won Wisconsin by 27,257 votes, Pennsylvania by approximately 60,000 and
Michigan by 10,704, for a total of 97,961, certainly not within any margin of
reasonable error.
Therefore, other than adding useless distractions to what has been an orderly
governmental transition to date, this obstructer Stein’s nothing more than
another whining loser.
On a similar matter, useless politicians, Victoria T. Davis reported “Sen. Bernie Sanders announced Saturday he will
soon introduce legislation to prevent outsourcing of American jobs, including
more than 2,000 Indiana jobs being shipped to Mexico by Carrier and UTEC.
“As both of these companies are owned by United Technologies, Sanders said
his proposed legislation, called the Outsourcing Prevention Act, will “provide a
comprehensive solution to address this problem” of job outsourcing.”
As far as the issue itself is concerned: “During the campaign, Donald Trump
made a 100 percent commitment to prevent United Technologies from shipping 2,100
jobs from Indiana to Mexico.” Since then he’s put the issue on his short list
for immediate action, once he takes office.
Yet, Sanders said: “All of us need to hold Mr. Trump accountable to make sure
that he keeps this promise. Let’s be clear: it is not good enough to save some
of these jobs. We cannot rest until United Technologies signs a firm contract to
keep all of these good-paying jobs in Indiana without slashing the salaries or
benefits workers have earned.”
Thus, Sanders is attempting to make an issue where none exists. Nor is it
likely to arise in the future, because Trump will most assuredly deliver, as
indicated on Thursday when he tweeted: “I am working hard, even on Thanksgiving,
trying to get Carrier A.C. Company to stay in the U.S. (Indiana). MAKING
PROGRESS - Will know soon!.”
So, once again, Sanders is a day late, a dollar short and completely unaware
of what goes on around him. But, we don’t have to worry about that, because his
days in the spotlight are most assuredly over along with whatever’s left of the
left everywhere, further confirmed by the next item.
Henry Samuel reports “France is expect to elect
its first truly Thatcherite leader of the Right on Sunday, with
François Fillon in pole position to take on an ebullient far-Right Front
“Seen as a no-hoper even a month ago, one last-minute poll put Mr Fillon, a
former prime minister, winning the presidential primary nomination for his
Republicans party with 61 per cent of the vote against 39 per cent for his
older, more moderate rival, Alain Juppé.
“The race has attracted huge interest in France, drawing four million voters
to the polls in the first round, because the winner stands a high chance as
things stand of becoming French president next year in a run-off against FN
leader Marine Le Pen.”
That thought was confirmed by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls “who warned
that his Socialist party risked getting wiped out in next year's presidential
election, as he kept open the possibility in a newspaper interview of running as
a candidate in the 2017 vote,” according to
Valls told French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche in an interview
to be published on Sunday: "I must remind you - we could get pulverized during
the evening of the first round," adding that "the left wing could die."
All of which goes to confirm, that despite the tremendous effort extended by
the mainstream media all over the world to promote it, the left is rapidly
shrinking in power and influence. Which is certainly true here in the U.S.,
where candidates like Stein cannot get more than 1% of the vote for her environmentally protective and politically leftist objectives.
That’s it for today folks.
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