Monday, March 30, 2015


If nothing else, the administration has proven undoubtedly over the past six years, that it is totally incompetent. Knowing virtually nothing about national governance regardless of the issue involved. Be it the economy, health care, taxation, education, welfare, national security, border enforcement or anything else, such as the disastrous errors made in foreign policy from the Middle-East to Cuba. 
However, the current fiasco taking place with Iran is almost beyond belief, whereas the mistakes made to date would be laughable if the subject wasn’t so seriously critical. In that regard, its been obvious for quite some time now, that the administration has deemed the Iranian deal as a cornerstone of its “legacy.” And even though the reason doesn’t seem logical, that’s the corner the president’s painted himself into.
But even though the U.S. is now bending itself over almost double to get the deal done, Iran senses there’s more to be had, so yesterday they backed away further from closure. Which means that they now not only have a clear path to nuclear weaponry, if they hold off for a few more days, John Kerry will probably agree to build the weapons for them.
An extremely important aspect of Iranian nuclear weaponry development is the threat it poses to neighboring nations, many of which are now scrambling to protect themselves equally. And since certainly, Israel is particularly concerned for the future, who stepped up to offer her support? None other than Bill Clinton’s wife.     
Today, posts that, “Hillary Clinton reportedly is calling for improved ties between the U.S. and Israel, as tensions deepen between the Obama administration and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following his party’s election win earlier this month.
“The Algemeiner reports that Clinton, in a phone call with Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said “we need to all work together to return the special U.S.-Israel relationship to constructive footing, to get back to basic shared concerns and interests.” 
Upon reading Bills wife’s comments, some research this morning of material posted on the web shows the following from her term as Secretary of State under Obama. 
“March 2010: Obama follows up on his threatening language about settlements by deploying Vice President Joe Biden to Israel, where Biden rips into the Israelis for building bathrooms in Jerusalem, the eternal Jewish capital. Hillary Clinton then yells at Netanyahu for nearly an hour on the phone, telling him he had “harmed the bilateral relationship.” David Axelrod calls the building plans an “insult” to the United States. When Netanyahu visits the White House a week and a half later, Obama makes him leave via a side door.”
“December 2011: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rips into the State of Israel, stating that it is moving in the “opposite direction” of democracy. She said that Israel reminded her of Rosa Parks, and that religious people not listening to women sing – a millennia-long policy among some segments of the Orthodox – reminds her of extremist regimes, adding that it seemed “more suited to Iran than Israel.“
“February 2012: Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta tells David Ignatius at the Washington Post that the possibility he worried about most was that Israel would strike Iran. The Post then adds, “Panetta believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June – before Iran enters what Israelis described as a ‘zone of immunity’ to commence building a nuclear bomb.” The goal: to delay any potential Israeli strike.”
“December 2012: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at the Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, where she says that Israelis have a “lack of empathy” for Palestinians, and that the Israelis need to “demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds.”  
As far as Leon Panetta is concerned, Politico wrote in October 2014, he told them, “he would “absolutely” support Hillary Clinton if she ran for president, adding, “What the hell else do you want?” when listing his former cabinet colleague’s attributes for the White House.
“She is somebody that I’ve seen who’s dedicated to this country. She’s smart, she’s experienced, and she’s tough. What the hell else do you want?” 
Politico reader neemer5 summed up her self-serving, inconsistent flip-flopping approach this way: “In the end, it will be ineffective. A true leader would stand up to the President in a situation such as national security, and if she felt strongly about it, she would have resigned over those differences. So by standing by and allowing Obama to screw us over foreign policy-wise, she's no better.
“Just like her position on gay marriage. She announced her support just a year ago. But she said she'd been secretly supportive for decades. That's now how it works. Staying silent over a civil rights issue is just as bad as being against the issue. It's self-serving. She's the queen of putting herself before country.”
So, as usual, for Bill Clinton’s wife, opportunism outweighs virtually everything else, including documented personal history. Thus if the facts negatively affect her current need, she simply changes them as always.
That's it for today folks.

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