reports that, “The White House could soon look to the United Nations to pressure Israel into a peace deal with the Palestinians, a move sure to inflame tensions between President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu.”
Historically, the U.S. has helped Israel resist U.N. intervention in peace talks for years. However at present the Obama administration’s reportedly weighing “a shift in that approach after Netanyahu's Likud Party won big in Tuesday's election, positioning him for a third consecutive term as prime minister.”
The prime minister told the Israeli news site NRG that he believes, “Whoever moves to establish a Palestinian state or intends to withdraw from territory is simply yielding territory for radical Islamic terrorist attacks against Israel."
His promise, right before Tuesday’s election, that he’d not permit a Palestinian state to be created under his watch if re-elected may very well be the issue that stimulated a landslide win for him by Israeli standards.
And, if that’s the case then any pressure applied by Obama, via the UN or otherwise, will not only likely be rejected by the prime minister and Israel, but cause further distrust of the U.S among most other nations around the world. So, here’s another case where the president's personal agenda and overbearing pettiness trump foreign policy realities and the most basic common sense.
Next, today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Amanda Becker wrote a lengthy piece on about the current status of the email controversy surrounding Bill’s other half. And although the column contained information similar to many others, one paragraph stood out, as follows:
“Democratic strategist Ben LaBolt, a former spokesman for President Barack Obama's 2012 campaign, said that the email controversy has been a "galvanizing call for the Clinton campaign-in-waiting to build an organization," by hiring top political communicators who can defend her record. Clinton, who ran for the White House in 2008 and lost to Obama, is expected to announce as early as April that she plans to seek the White House in 2016.”
The verbiage that caught this readers eye is, “hiring top political communicators who can defend her record.” Because, other than travelling more than any other secretary of state in history for no visible purpose, the bungled response to the Benghazi attack, and now the foreign payments to the Clinton Foundation and her email abuse, what “record” is there?
Some further research shows a recent article from The Washington Post saying, “Last night, Diane Sawyer asked Hillary Clinton a question that should’ve come as no surprise: What significant things did she accomplish during her four years as Secretary of State? What’s surprising is that Hillary didn’t even attempt to answer the question. She just changed the subject.
The New York Times noted that, “It was a simple question to someone accustomed to much tougher ones: What was her proudest achievement as secretary of state? But for a moment, Hillary Rodham Clinton, appearing recently before a friendly audience at a women’s forum in Manhattan, seemed flustered.”
In summary, on her watch, there was not just Benghazi, but the unraveling of Iraq, a failed “reset” with Russia, constant clashes with Hamid Karzai, and China’s persistent bullying of its neighbors and its own people.
And what’s most interesting is that, since it’s two years until the next presidential election, real criticism from opponents in both major party’s hasn’t even started yet. Which means it’s no wonder that Democrats are quite worried about their assumed presidential candidate, though very few will publicly admit that at present.
That's it for today folks.
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