Sunday, March 22, 2015


Truly horrendous results can occur when people become so intent on reaching a particular objective that they lose all perspective and rationality, sometimes ignoring everyday common sense. Or perhaps, they really don’t lose anything, simply not caring about who they harm while pursuing goals of their own.
And that seems to be the case regarding John Kerry and Supreme leader Ali Khamenei, who seem to be on different planets regarding the current status of U.S. negotiations with Iran, as reported in via Drudge this morning.
“Khamenei told a crowd in Tehran that Iran would not capitulate to Western demands. When the crowd started shouting, “Death to America,” the ayatollah responded: “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.
“They insist on putting pressure on our dear people’s economy,” he said, referring to economic sanctions aimed at halting Iran’s nuclear program. “What is their goal? Their goal is to put the people against the system,” he said. “The politics of America is to create insecurity,” he added, referring both to US pressure on Iran and elsewhere in the region.”
In contrast, “Kerry was more circumspect, as he spoke to reporters after six days of negotiations in the Swiss city of Lausanne. The talks, made “substantial progress,” he said, but “important gaps remain.
“We have an opportunity to get this right,” Kerry said, as he urged Iran to make “fundamental decisions” that prove to the world it has no interest in atomic weapons.”
However, while Kerry was pursuing the preposterous premise that there was a possibility that Iran would wake up and see the light, acquiescing to changing their nuclear ambitions, Khamenei expressed a totality different reality altogether. 
“Khamenei warned against expectations that even a done deal would mend the more than three-decade freeze between the two nations in place since the Iranian revolution and siege of the American Embassy, proclaiming that Washington and Tehran remained on opposite sides on most issues.”
But, what’s even more astoundingly irrational is how far the administration has been pushed already, whereas its original objective was preventing Iran from developing any kind of nuclear capability at all. Yet, “As the current round wound down this week, officials told The Associated Press that the United States and Iran are drafting elements of a deal that commits the Iranians to a 40 percent cut in the number of machines they use to enrich. The Obama administration is seeking a deal that stretches the time Tehran would need to make a nuclear weapon from the present two to three months to at least a year.”
So, this “deal” has gone from complete nuclear abandonment by Iran to an arrangement whereby that nation can develop nuclear weaponry in as short a timeframe as 12 months. Which brings us back to the original premise of today’s subject that suggested perhaps” the administration really doesn’t lose anything, simply not caring about who they harm while pursuing goals of their own.”
A couple of clever comments followed the article;
Tony Mah wrote: “Modern American Democracy = 4 welfare recipients and 1 tax payer voting on who buy's dinner.
Mike Hopkins added; “The government won't allow new peaceful nuclear facilities here in the US. Maybe they should be pushing solar and wind for Iran instead of agreeing to a nuclear program.”
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Scott Walker, appearing on Fox News this morning, provided some interesting insight into his approach for making his case as a probable presidential candidate. And, its well worth noting because his rationale ought to be extremely hard for many others, especially one as unqualified as Bill Clinton’s wife, to prove their capability to perform the role of POTUS.
Paraphrasing governor Walker he very matter-of-factly pointed out how critical it is for the nation to have someone at the helm that has hands-on, proven success in a significant governing role. The governor's thought makes perfect sense because, anyone even mildly aware of what the past six years has cost the nation and its citizens due to the inexperience and incapability of the current incumbent is likely too dumb to vote.
The governor also noted that speechmaking and promises have very little to do with effective management skills in a similar role, reiterating that anyone claiming to have the required capabilities should be required to prove it. Adding that, the nation needs leadership that moves forward, not old retreads recycling outdated rhetoric.
So, in a few short examples, the governor eliminated just about everyone who hasn’t been a governor, thoroughly tested under fire and come successfully through the process currently. And if that doesn’t eliminate Bill’s wife, and a slew of other blowhard wannabee’s, the electoral system is truly broken.
That’s it for today folks.

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