Monday, March 16, 2015


Not much in the news today, aside from speculation that the pending nuclear deal with Iran will be bad for just about everyone in the world, except those at the top of the Obama administration.
In the meantime, Bill Clinton's wife seems to be garnering almost all of the headlines. 
In what may be another barb aimed at Bill’s wife, Corinna Zarek senior adviser for Open Government in the White House Office of Science and Technology along with Melanie Pustay, the director of the Office of Information Policy at the Department of Justice, wrote an op-ed in USA Today about  a”transparency push” the Obama Administration is making.
The joint article says that, “Agencies have released records either in full or in part for more than 90% of requests processed for disclosure. The most commonly cited FOIA exemptions were those that protect personal privacy, while the exemption related to national security on average accounted for only 1%.”
That information seems to directly refute Bill’s wife and staff statements that only half or less, of her emails while secretary of state contained disclosable or personal information.
On the same subject Bloomberg reports that, “Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina told an Iowa public affairs show that, as a former tech executive, she finds Hillary Clinton's assertions about her private e-mail account and server ‘humorous.’ ‘I mean, she talked about Secret Service [agents] guarding the server: The concern is not that the server will be physically stolen,’ 
Fiorina told The Insiders with a laugh on Sunday. ‘The concern is the server will be hacked.’”
While Bill’s wife lack of knowledge about the technology involved really is pretty funny, it isn’t a joke when someone responsible for the nation’s security doesn’t know what she’s doing. However, her having her server physically guarded is remindful of the guy who read the sign in the diner saying: “Watch your coat. “ So, while he sat there doing that, someone sneaked up and stole his lunch off the table.
Other Democrat contenders, however, got some good news regarding Bill’s wife yesterday.
According to The Hill: “James Carville said in an interview broadcast Sunday that it would be a waste of time for any Democrat to challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016. ‘I’ve had maybe three people come up to me and say, ‘Well, I’m for somebody else other than Hillary.’ To which, Carville’s reply is: “Of course, Senator [Jim Webb] and Governor [Martin O’Malley] can say anything they want. But, in terms of the party, every poll that you see shows … 86 percent of the Democrats say they’re going to vote for Hillary.”
Carville’s opinion helps Democrat contenders on one hand, because he’s so often wrong. While on the other, lately polls haven’t done very well prediction-wise either. 
That’s it for today folks.

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