Grasping at every straw that can be found to support its reversal of the U.S. relationship with Israel, the administration now accuses Israel of “spying.”
What’s most interesting about the issue, however, are the details of the situation. Because the claim being made is that sensitive information involved about the nuclear talks between Iran and the United States was turned over to members of Congress, according to the the Wall Street Journal.
The paper also reported that: “The insider details came from “confidential” briefings from U.S. officials as well as from “informants, diplomatic contacts in Europe and eavesdropping.
“Citing “current and former officials,” the paper said the “spying operation was part of a broader campaign by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to penetrate the negotiations and then help build a case against the emerging terms of the deal.”
So, here we have a nation, Israel, fearful of having to face a nuclear armed enemy in the not too distant future. And what did they did do on the own behalf, if the spying allegations prove truthful? They provided information to a branch of the U.S. government that the president and his cohorts refused to disclose about the pending agreement permitting Iran to weaponize itself.
And apparently, Israel was correct in its analysis, because House Speaker Boehner provided the forum from which Israel’s Prime Minister could present his case.
On another subject, thanks to Mother Nature, there hasn’t been very much said by global warming alarmists lately. Which means perhaps, their tongues have frozen to the roofs of their mouths.
In the real world, though, CBS Local Weather, Boston says, “Enough is enough. For the past eight weeks or so (starting around Jan. 23) we have experienced the harshest New England winter stretch ever recorded in our long and weathered history. This is not an exaggeration. Records haven’t just been challenged, they have been smashed, obliterated. We all deserve and NEED a break.
After the snowiest and coldest February ever recorded, March came in like a polar bear and looks to be going out the same way.”
While the average temperature this March is 31.8 degrees, “this weather pattern isn’t going anywhere fast.” Atmospheric conditions responsible for the record breaking cold and snow will likely remain for many more months.
The story concludes by noting that, as the sun gets higher in the sky, spring and summer temperatures will get warmer, but overall, the next several months have a much greater chance of being below normal than above and likely be the case into this summer and perhaps into next winter as well. Which is exactly what many knowledgeable meteorologists expect for the entire nation due to the polar vortex.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, that now includes her family too.’s Chris Stirewalt reports that, according to the Washington Post, “another potential complication for Hillary: her brother Tony Rodham’s involvement in a Haitian gold mine embroiled in controversy over potential environmental damage and the belief that the project will primarily benefit foreign investors.
“Rodham and the chief executive of Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative — an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation that critics have long alleged invites a blurring of its charitable mission with the business interests of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their corporate donors.”
Thus, if nothing else, the Clinton’s are remarkably consistent. Which means that if you ever really have to find them, simply follow the money and without a shadow of a doubt, that’s where they will always be.
On a similar subject, someone who knows the pair quite well, Dick Morris claims that the “Clinton’s can’t type,” in his column,
According to Morris, “The Clintons have figured out every which way to avoid disclosure of what they want to keep private. So don’t expect a smoking gun in Hillary’s emails.
Look, instead, to Huma, Cheryl, Jake Sullivan, and Philippe Reines — if they still exist.”
Now, in reading Morris’ suggestion about looking to the four individuals named, and considering the subject being the Clinton’s, one wonders if his comment “if they still exist” refers to the emails or the people.
That’s it for today folks.
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