Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Over the past few months, frequent mention’s been made here about the significant decline in audience regarding left-leaning media outlets. Former favorites such as CNN and MSNBC, along with liberal talk formats have all had audience setbacks.
The subject arose again yesterday, when Rush on his website posted remarks made by a Democrat congresswoman from Wisconsin, Gwen Moore.
The congresswoman said, “I think that a lot of us are really frustrated about our so-called messaging.  It is really difficult to fight against, I think, Republicans having 24-hour, seven-day a week opportunity to talk to folks through, you know, Fox News and through programs like Rush Limbaugh. They're very, very well-funded venues.
An astounded Rush responded: “So Fox News, they got a lot of donors.  And the Rush Limbaugh Show, a lot of donors.  And it's hard for us to compete with all of those donors.  I don't have a single donor.  I've never had a donor.  We don't deal with funding that way.  It's absurd.”
Now, of course, Rush’s comeback was valid and accurate, but he left his reply short of the mark. Because while not having “donors,” what he and Fox do have is “sponsors.” And the reason they have sponsors is because the businesses paying for mention know that the audience draw is huge.
On the other hand, the reason the “messaging” spewed by leftist outlets doesn’t get heard is that most people don’t want to listen to it, as shrinking audience numbers prove.
So, much like everything else the left tries and fails at, they perceive this issue upside down.  It isn’t the “funding” that causes people to listen to what’s broadcast, it’s the value and quality of what’s broadcast that creates huge audience. Which in turn leads to popularity that “sponsors” will readily fund and clamor for more.  
On another issue, this one the Iranian deal heating up, its time to recall subject matter mentioned here many times in the past. 
The Daily Caller reported in May 2012 about Ed Klein’s writing about Obama and explaining that; “The first area was Obama’s identity — just who was he? 
“Obama was steeped in Islam but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says. 
Klein then asked Chicago’s Reverend Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian. 
Klein says, the reverend “said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam.”
At the same time on, Ronald Kessler reported from Washington, D.C. that, “The Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. was like a second father to Barack Obama and helped shape his political philosophy, author Ed Klein tells Newsmax based on his interview with Wright.
For his book “The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House,”  Mr. Kessler says, Klein interviewed Wright for three and a half hours. Wright told him of Obama’s secret efforts to keep him quiet during the presidential campaign. But the more significant material spotlights how important Wright was to Obama’s thinking even before the future president began going to Wright’s church in 1988.”
The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology.
Mr. Kessler writes that, “As noted in my story "Media Blackout on Rev. Wright Started in 2007," for three months during Obama’s primary campaign, the mainstream media ignored Newsmax stories reporting on Rev. Wright’s hate-filled sermons; his denunciations of America, whites, and Israel; and the fact that he gave an award for lifetime achievement to Louis Farrakhan.”
In that regard, Ed Klein adds: “Everybody says Obama sat there for 20 years listening to the Rev. Wright spew his anti-white, anti-Jewish, anti-American tirade in church. The fact of the matter is that his relationship with the Rev. Wright goes back further than his membership in the church and sitting and listening to the Rev. Wright.”
Which means that, by excluding mention of Obama’s past history regarding “America, whites and Israel,” all the talking heads, the media, and certainly those in government are omitting the likely core rationale: Obama’s fundamental wish to weaponize Iran and abandon Israel.
In closing, there’s no story today about Bill Clinton’s wife. Because, just like her, the subject’s getting repetitive, boring and certainly, not worth the keystrokes.
That’s it for today folks.

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