Friday, December 5, 2014


Something that’s always perplexed this writer has resurfaced in the news again today; the overwhelming majority of Jewish voters who continually support Democrat candidates, regardless.
And even more surprising is the continued appeal of the current president, who’s blatantly aligned himself significantly with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel individuals and causes.    
In that regard, according to the, “In 2012, pollsters Mark Mellman, Aaron Strauss and Kenneth Wald published an in-depth report: “Just the Facts: Jewish American Voting Behavior 1972-2008.
“They found that, in presidential elections from 1992 to 2008, the Republican candidate had never gotten more than 24 percent of the ballots cast by Jewish voters.

“In the 2008 presidential election, Obama commanded the support of 78 percent of Jewish voters, according to exit polls. 

Although by 2012, that number had fallen to 69 percent, with Mitt Romney attaining a 30 percent share, a very significant number of Jews still voted Democrat.

Which brings us to today’s item from, by Adam Kredo, as follows:

“The Obama administration is refusing to discuss reports that emerged early Thursday claiming that the White House is considering imposing sanctions on Israel for continuing construction on Jewish homes in Jerusalem.
“News of the supposed meeting leaked to the press though Israeli officials who were apparently apprised of the discussion.

“The thought of the White House leveling sanctions on Israel as it works to lessen those already imposed on Iran prompted consternation on Capitol Hill and throughout the pro-Israel world."

One senior congressional aide who works on the issue of Israel expressed shock that a White House could even discuss such action. "If these reports are true, this would mark a new era of unprecedented hostility from the White House against our strongest ally in the Middle East,” the source said. “It’s impossible not to notice the irony of the administration mulling sanctions on Israel while threatening to veto new sanctions against Iran.”

An example of how far relationships have deteriorated in the past six years can be found in the comment from  a senior official with a pro-Israel organization who agreed to speak only on background.
“Even this administration, which has been historically hostile to our Israeli allies, even as they worked overtime to bomb the enemies of Iranian proxies across the Middle East, could not possibly be so aggressively committed to undermining our alliances as to levy sanctions against Israel at the same time they’re lifting them on Iran.” 
So, the question remains as to why those of the Jewish faith continue blindly supporting a party, and it’s leader, who do nothing whatsoever to hide their favor of any and all  anti-Israel, and by extension, anti-Semitic endeavors. 
Which also means that a people regarded, above all else, as having superior intellects don’t seem to use that inborn capability when it comes to pulling voting levers.

That’s it for today folks.


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