It’s highly probable that most reasonably intelligent people would agree that there’s no life-form lower than most politicians. Which is why only the most naïve, and highly gullible, pay very much attention to what politico’s say and certainly don’t believe a word from them that’s uttered or promised.
The public distaste generally stems from the fact that political slugs continually mislead, dodge the truth, and create incredible fables when caught in lies red-handed. However, as despicable as most of them are, at the present time a faction of them has produced some of the most colossal untruths seen or heard in a very long time.
In today’s case, a recap of the recent shooting of police officers in NYC was posted by a reader on Drudge, as follows: “No one can deny that Al Sharpton encouraged evil murderers to murder the NY police officers. So did Eric Holder, so did Barack Obama. All three are cowardly murderers just like the monster (who was a liberal Democrat by the way) who pulled the trigger. It is not surprising that these three showed jubilation over the murder of those police officers.”
Now, whether or not the reader’s comment is precisely accurate or subject to discussion, the verbiage seems to reflect the feelings and beliefs of a very large segment of the nation’s population. There’s also little doubt that the president and AG have thrown their official weight behind probable perpetrators and against the police. Up to and including employing agitator Al Sharpton in that endeavor.
And now, today, another voice has joined the anti-law enforcement push, NYC mayor, Bill de Blasio, who’s been holding press conferences to denigrate police performance, including personal references of fears of harassment against himself and family members.
Yet, now that shootings have taken place in his city, and on his watch, yesterday he said at police headquarters that, "We are in a very difficult moment. Our focus has to be on these families. I think it's a time for everyone to put aside political debates, put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in all due time."
So, now that his words and behavior have come back to haunt him, because someone’s actually gone out and committed murder, he and his DC cohorts, along with their puppet Sharpton, want to unwind the tense racial situation they themselves started by asking those they’ve provoked to “put aside” what they know to be the truth. And if that isn’t the height of hypocrisy, what is?
On another issue, liberalism is apparently continuing its shrinkage, as evidenced by another media outlet missing its financial targets.
Joe Pompeo reports via Drudge that “Heading into the new year, The Huffington Post is planning to stop using Associated Press stories while increasing its reporter headcount, gearing up for a relaunch and rolling out more international editions.”
However, the most interesting part of the story discloses that, “At the end of 2013, AOL chief executive Tim Armstrong told Reuters he expected the site to be profitable in 2014. But during an interview earlier this month at Business Insider's Ignition conference, Armstrong said the ongoing international rollout, which includes about a dozen foreign editions from Brazil to France to Maghreb, had prevented HuffPost from breaking into the black. Annual revenues are in the hundreds of millions, Armstrong said, declining to provide a specific dollar figure.”
So, here we have a further indication that regardless of how hard biased media outlets try to present their point of view to the public, or slant their offerings to reflect their own goals and objectives, fewer and fewer choose to accept the approach. Which means that if those outlets don’t soon acknowledge that the public now has access to huge, and still growing, sources of unvarnished information, before long they will talking to themselves.
That’s it for today folks.
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