A variety of articles today illustrate that the upcoming year should be quite interesting in politics, and especially for resurging Republicans.
One came from Rush, wherein the subject was immigration but the verbiage shows that the incumbent president is acutely aware of all that goes on around him. Although he usually claims to know nothing about anything even remotely negative, thereby dodging responsibility and confrontation, as follows:
“During a town hall event in Nashville to discuss immigration reform, Obama admitted that there are many Americans were angry about his actions."
Therefore, Rush explained, “Obama admitted that there were 'good people who actually believe in immigration' but were 'concerned about rewarding somebody who broke American laws,'" and yada yada yada.
However, there was more to the incumbent’s comment than simply an admission of awareness regarding citizen’s opinions. Because most often when talking about immigration he talks about amnesty for people he believes deserve it. But he never discusses specifics of the law itself, and the fact that illegals are blatantly breaking it.
Nonetheless, his comment proves he’s obviously fully aware of his abetting criminal activity and simply doesn’t care about the legalities involved.
On another matter, Senator Feinstein’s attack on the CIA is getting considerable blowback from many who believe the agency has been critically valuable in the nation’s fight against terrorism, including former Vice President, Dick Cheney.
Many perceive the damning report as a personal reaction to her perception of being slighted by the agency’s directorship, even though those directors might have taken proper actions. Yet, they cannot really respond sufficiently in their own defense, because doing so might disclose information critical to the defense of the nation.
However, there’s a reason we haven’t been seriously attacked again since 9/11, while several attempts have been foiled. Which means that perhaps the Senator ought to have taken the nation’s safety further into consideration before politicizing her personal animosities toward those involved in protecting our population, and the damage that might very well result.
And then there’s this item from the climate meetings in Peru where, US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Thursday of climate "tragedy" if quarrelling derails a global pact against global warming.
Kerry said, “But the fact is we simply don't have time to sit around, going back and forth about whose responsibility it is to act.
And, from Kerry’s position, he’s absolutely right. Because, in less than two months there’s going to be a new Congress in the US which will take a totally different view on climate change.
First and foremost, Republicans understand that climate hasn’t changed in the past eighteen years. They also know that man has little, or nothing at all, to do with climatic trends or events. And, most importantly, they grasp the fact that the EPA is a major factor in the entire economy's stagnation.
But even worse for Kerry and AlGore, oil now costs less than $60 a barrel and will sink lower, eliminating the need for the Keystone pipeline. Meanwhile, advancing technology will drive prices lower. And in the meantime, Mitch McConnell who’s from coal country’s heartland is going to have a major voice in the Senate as its leader.
Which means that all the environmentalist whacko’s can scream all they want to against dangers to the nation wrought by carbon. But the combination of rational legislation, reduced regulation, a growing economy and Mother Nature aren’t going to induce many rational people to listen to them.
And finally. According to Daniel Halper on weeklystandard.com, “A group of more than 300 hundred former Obama staffers have written an open letter urging Elizabeth Warren to run for president of the United States. "We helped elect Barack Obama — now we’re calling on Elizabeth Warren to run in 2016," the letter is titled.”
So, once again, it looks like the best laid plans of the Clinton’s may have just had another monkey wrench tossed into their path.
Yet, even though Ms Warren is the beneficiary of the staffer’s actions, the real winner is whoever the Republican candidate turns out to be. Because while Bill Clinton’s aging wife and the leftist extremist duke it out for their party’s presidential nomination, shredding its unity, any Republican will win the presidential election quite handily from either of them.
That’s it for today folks.
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