reported on Jeff Bush’s saying 11 days ago that he’d release 250,000 emails, presumably to show Americans his leadership ability in times of crisis.
On Friday, a liberal group, American Bridge, that has also targeted potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, released a sample via the Wall Street Journal in an attempt to highlight negative aspects of a Bush presidency. Below are the two examples they cited.
“I believe my brother will win if the law is adhered to,” Bush wrote to a man days after the Nov. 7, 2000 vote.
“Bush also writes about the international crisis involving Elian Gonzales that started in 1999 when the young Cuban boy, now 21, was found floating on an inner tube off the Florida coast. His mother had died during the journey to the United States. Gonzales was given to Miami relatives until taken by armed federal agents and returned to his father in Cuba.
“I am heartbroken over the federal government’s actions this morning,” Bush wrote to a correspondent on April 22, 2000, hours after the agents raided the Miami home.”
So, after poring over thousands of emails, this is what this anti-Bush group has come up with. A belief that his brother would win an election, which in fact, he did. And a 13 year old motherless child of Cuban birth with family in the US was returned to his father in a communist dictatorship.
After reading the article, I did some research out of curiosity, finding an 8 page article by David Kraemer of listing 333 lies or false claims made by Bill Clinton’s wife.
A few samples include:
“Hillary Demonstrates She Knows Nothing About Economics! Her “You Didn’t Build That!” Moment
“While ‘the Madame’ claims to be some kind of champion for women, Fox News reports 7 of the 8 women she campaigned for lost their election bids big time.
“First, Clinton will appear at a fundraiser for Sen. Mary Landrieu (La.), an embattled Democrat who favors construction of the massive Keystone XL oil pipeline opposed by environmentalists. Just two hours later, Clinton is due back on a different stage to deliver a speech to the League of Conservation Voters – a mainstream environmental group that strenuously opposes Keystone…
“Hillary Clinton praised the Obama administration for concluding a landmark deal re-establishing economic relations between the United States and [Communist] Cuba, saying that the normalization of relations between the two countries is beneficial for the Cuban people.” However, with nothing changing for citizens of Cuba, Clinton failed to explain how it would be beneficial.
“T. Becket Adams at the Washington Examiner reports, “The State Department’s Office of Inspector General has released another “management alert” detailing rampant mismanagement within the agency, much of it during Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s tenure. The inspector general’s latest “management alert” — the third released by the agency’s internal watchdog in a little over a year — warns that the State Department’s management and oversight of grants has become a serious financial liability. “The management and oversight of grants poses heightened financial risk to the Department of State,” Inspector General Steve A. Linick said in a report dated Sept. 26
“Reporters have found a few letters Hillary wrote to Saul Alinsky. From looker Ellison Barber at the Blaze.”
Therefore, it might be wise for liberals to do some homework before raising issues where they’re highly likely to wind up on the losing side. Because, as today’s results illustrate, if Jeb Bush’s emails disqualify his presidential candidacy, Bill Clinton’s wife’s history precludes her from not only the US presidency, but any job in the world requiring an iota of intellect, ounce of talent or shred of integrity.
The article’s interesting, so here’s a link:
In closing, here’s a comment from reader LibtardDestroyer who writes: “If the GOP hasn't learned by this time that RINOs like McCain and Romney never win, they deserve to lose again, with Bush.”
However, if memory serves correctly, since two other Bush’s held the White House for 12 of the past 25 years its hard to grasp exactly where the GOP risk is. Not to mention the additional 8 years H.W. spent as VP to Ronald Reagan, bringing Bush years in executive office to 20 of the past 33. Which makes one wonder precisely who someone like LibtardDestroyer thinks could produce a better track record. Because history shows, that candidate doesn't even exist.
That's it for today folks.
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