Wednesday, December 31, 2014


May as well end the year by noting a story appearing today about the president’s health care tax in which, according to “Obama adviser Gruber admitted ObamaCare might not be affordable.” 
Back in 2009, according to the, Gruber asked: “Why should we hold 48 million uninsured people hostage to the fact that we don’t yet know how to control costs in a politically acceptable way? Let’s get the people covered and then let’s do cost control.”
He also said; “that the only way to control costs is to effectively deny treatment.” And that: “despite the president’s pitches to the contrary, Obama also knew that his health care bill was unlikely to control costs, Gruber said.”
The Fox story is short and filled with interesting details, so here’s a link: Obama adviser Gruber admitted ObamaCare might not be affordable
Now, bringing the status of the health care tax up to date, a story appeared this morning saying: “Federal officials on Monday sought to lower expectations for upcoming enrollment in Obamacare, announcing that they now believe that only between 9 million and 9.9 million people will be enrolled in Affordable Care Act health insurance plans by the end of 2015. 
That is well below the 13 million people that the Congressional Budget Office has projected for Obamacare enrollment by the end of 2015. Open enrollment for 2015 plans resumes Saturday. 
The new projection, as much as 30 percent reduced from the CBO estimate, comes from the Health and Human Services Department, which oversees the Obamacare health reform program. 
HHS also said it now appears that it will take longer—perhaps quite a bit longer—than 2017 to reach a "steady state" of 25 million Obamacare enrollees that CBO had been projecting for 2017 enrollment.”
Which means that the original plan which has already cost more than $1 billion in total to assist .077% of the population, is highly likely to fall far short of that target. Which also suggests that as health care costs increase in the future for everyone actually paying for their insurance, a significant number of those whom the assistance plan was designed for, don’t want it either. 
Beyond the plan itself, however, there’s another indication of how outrageously incompetent and uncaring the government is regarding taxpayer’s hard-earned money. Because Gruber, a designer of the unmanageable, unworkable fiasco has received at least $5,886,150 in taxpayer-funded health-care-consulting fees, mainly from the federal government.
Which suggests that he surely knew what to expect regarding his own pocketbook when he said back in 2009, “Let’s get the people covered and then let’s do cost control.”
That's it for today folks.

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