Saturday, September 20, 2014


When you sort out all the hype, smoke and double-talk POTUS delivers about his “coalition” to eliminate ISIS in Iraq and Syria, you realize that, to date, only one nation has joined the fray. That country is France, and in their case, they’ll only bomb Iraq from the air refusing to deploy ground troops, nor engage with Syria at all.
As far as any other nations are concerned, even Middle-Eastern allies, their reason for hesitation in joining the action is quit clear, and very simple. After six years of actual experience, they know that the incumbent’s words and promises can’t be trusted, making them wary of entering  a fray where the leader may change his mind, leaving them exposed, unprotected and all alone in a battle they can’t win without full U.S. support.
Therefore, it’s conceivable that to win the war, the U.S. will wind up having to go alone. Because the current administration’s history of creating mistrust has scared off just about every ally the nation ever had, including former partners like the UK, Turkey and even neighboring Saudi Arabia.
But, while foreign policy errors and misjudgments are cropping up daily, another huge mistake may cause extremely serious problems right here at home.
CBSDFCBSDFW.COM, via Drudge, reports that “More than 700 infants at an El Paso hospital have been exposed to tuberculosis by an employee infected with the disease, according to public health officials.
The city’s Department of Public Health says the infants along with about 40 employees at Providence Memorial Hospital were exposed.”
Now, according to Wikipedia, El Paso is located in far West Texas, and “as of July 1, 2013, the population estimate from the U.S. Census was 674,433, making it the 19th most populous city in the United States.”
The city “stands on the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte), across the border from Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The two cities, along with Las Cruces, form a combined international metropolitan area, sometimes referred as the Paso del Norte or El Paso–Juárez–Las Cruces, with over 2.7 million people. The El Paso-Juárez region is the largest bilingual, binational work force in the Western Hemisphere.”
Therefore, while growing numbers across the nation, now even including many leading Democrats, have grave concerns regarding unbridled entry to the nation by illegal aliens, the situation looks like its getting worse. 
Because, while most are concerned about potential terrorist attacks by enemies crossing into the nation freely, contagious disease is now obviously another, perhaps just as serious, problem. 
All of which makes one wonder how long the nation can sustain when the one at the top is more concerned with a failing political ideology, than the safety and well-being of every citizen, even including  those that voted him into office.
That’s it for today folks.

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