Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Marine Corps General, John Allen, meets the incumbent today at the White House. His new role is the State Department’s “Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL.” A former chief of NATO forces in Afghanistan and commander of US troops in western Iraq, he’s a respected military thinker. Said to be a “hawk’” he’s urged the incumbent to “eradicate” ISIL. 
The meeting was likely ordered by the incumbent so he could explain the long list of things the general will unequivocally not be able to do in his new role. Such as ever using the word “war.” Similarly, regardless of how many military personnel are sent to the Middle-East, none will ever have their boots on the ground. Nor will any of them ever utter a disparaging word about Muslims, jihad, JV teams, the Koran, or any other aspect of the enemies personal proclivities. In other words, he’ll be told to win without getting the US involved or having any personnel fire a single shot.
On another matter, whereas the ISIS uprising is taking other news out of the headlines, an article by Jim Angle of FoxNews.com might go by unnoticed. However, he reports that, “Health economist John Goodman noted that "three Federal Reserve Banks in Philadelphia, New York and Atlanta have surveyed the folks in their area and roughly one fifth of the employers are saying they cut back on employment.”
Moving from full time to part time, ”More than one in ten are saying they're doing more outsourcing - all this because of the new health care reform."
Furthermore, “Doug Holtz-Eakin, former Director of the Congressional Budget Office, said “for the smaller employers -- those that have between 20 and 49 employees -- you get a negative impact on jobs, you get a negative impact on wages in those jobs. What this means for small business as a whole is over $22 billion of earnings gone for their workers and 350,000 jobs."
Small business is responsible for the vast majority of job creation in the U.S.
The president repeatedly has delayed the mandate requiring businesses with more than 50 employees to provide insurance. But businesses know it's coming, so many avoid hiring to keep their worker rolls below 50.
And now, today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, also from Fox News.com.
A former State Department official, Raymond Maxwell, former head of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), has told lawmakers that Hillary Clinton allies privately removed politically damaging documents before turning over files to the supposedly independent board investigating the Benghazi terror attack. 
Congressman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said, “Maxwell claimed Clinton's chief of staff and deputy chief of staff were overseeing the document operation, which allegedly took place on a weekend in a basement office of the State Department. What they were looking for is anything that made them look bad. That's the way it was described to us."  
At the time, “Maxwell was one of four State Department officials disciplined in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attack, in which four Americans were killed. He was put on administrative leave, and has spoken out before about how he felt he was scapegoated. 
Maxwell was eventually cleared, but retired last year.”
So, when Bill’s wife runs for POTUS again at least she’ll be consistent, whereas, throughout her whole career regardless of position, she’s never proven, honest, capable or competent yet.
That’s it for today folks.
PS: Just now, roughly 11AM, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey opened the door to U.S. troops on the ground in the fight against the Islamic State. 
Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee he said he could recommend "U.S. military ground forces" if the international coalition being formed proves ineffective against the terror group. 
Though President Obama vowed last week that the U.S. would "not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq" and military leaders say ground troops are not needed at the moment, Dempsey said he could change his recommendation if he found circumstances "evolving" in the region. 
Which makes you wonder if any two people in the current administration ever talk to each other and if the White House, right from the top on down have a clue as to what’s really going on in the world, aside from appeasing a political base.

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