Thursday, September 18, 2014


An article on Breitbart states that, “[John] Kerry got into a heated exchange with Tennessee’s Republican Senator Bob Corker who said, "I want to say as I said personally, we have three senators, president, vice president, secretary of state, that are exercising terrible judgment right now. And to say that you're going to do this regardless of what we say, you're not going to ask for buy-in by the United States Senate or House of Representatives on behalf of the American people in a conflict that's going to be multiyear. Some people say a decade. Taking us into another country with a different enemy, is exercising the worst judgment possible."
While Senator Corker’s outrage at Kerry was unquestionably direct, and his opinion obviously opposed to the administration’s, another senator’s comments were totally ridiculous.
Democrat Barbara Boxer of California said, "I think it is shocking and a sad state of affairs that we heard just now, such angry comments aimed at you, Mr. Secretary, and through you, at our president instead of at ISIS, a savage group who decapitated two Americans and have warned, and I quote, that their thirst for more American blood is right out there."
"I think it's shocking," she continued. "I'm actually shaking and trembling. This is not the time to show anger at the people who are working night and day, whether you agree with them or not, to protect our people."
Now, if you actually parse her words, she’s opining that simply because people are “working night and day,” everyone should accept what they do, regardless. And therefore, even if they're wrong and making horrendous mistakes, their effort is all that matters. 
However, if those very same people, the three “senators” Senator Corker mentioned, had any iota of an idea of what they were doing, which they do not, there would have been no ISIS in the first place.  
Item two has special meaning whereas it’s about someone I mention every once in a while, because I can never figure out how anyone can be duped by a skirt as empty as hers is. Yet, Democrats have made her their National Committee Chairwoman. But, apparently, that might be finally changing.    
Politico’s Edward-Isaac Dovere reports that, “Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is in a behind-the-scenes struggle with the White House, congressional Democrats and Washington insiders who have lost confidence in her as both a unifying leader and reliable party spokesperson at a time when they need her most.”
In this case, what’s really interesting is the reason for the Democrat's change of heart, as follows: “The perception of critics is that Wasserman Schultz spends more energy tending to her own political ambitions than helping Democrats win. This includes using meetings with DNC donors to solicit contributions for her own PAC and campaign committee, traveling to uncompetitive districts to court House colleagues for her potential leadership bid and having DNC-paid staff focus on her personal political agenda.
She’s become a liability to the DNC, and even to her own prospects, critics say.”
Thus, I guess even Democrats finally figure out the obvious if given enough time. Because Schultz’s self-serving motivation and limited intellect were glaring the fist time I heard her open her mouth a couple of years ago. 
But, she’s not the only Democrat having problems within her own ranks, as shown by today’s item about Bill Clinton’s wife. 
According to Alexandra Jaffe, of The, “Emails sent by liberal activists and obtained by The Hill reveal significant dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton.”
Emails spanning over a year show that she has a long way to go to assuage skepticism from influential voices on the left, who believe that she’s too much of a hawk, too cozy with Wall Street, hasn’t spoken out enough on climate change, and will be subject to personal questions and criticisms.
“The existence of the group was reported earlier this year by the conservative outlet, but this is the first time the emails have become public.”
So, while this group may have its qualms about whose side Bill’s wife is really on, her behavior should be no surprise to them at all. Because her position's never changed an iota throughout her life. She always aligns with whoever or whatever is best for her personally, regardless of anything else, including her own political party. 
That’s it for today folks.

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