Wednesday, April 30, 2014


While most Democrats in Congress, aided by the mainstream media, tried every means possible to stem Republican attempts to uncover the truths of the Benghazi raid, the facts are now finally being exposed.
On Fox, Charles Krauthammer yesterday opined on newly released emails showing a senior White House aide communicated directly with then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to prepare for a series of talk show appearances where she blamed the Benghazi attack on an Internet video “the smoking document” behind the administration’s attempt to divert blame.
He stated: “I think the Republicans have something here that really ought to be looked at, I just don't know if there's going to be any interest in the mainstream media.
They should, because this exposes a cover up of a cover up. The fact that it was redacted when the documents were asked for, and only revealed by a court order is telling you this is a classic cover up of a cover up. And that is a serious offense.”
Which goes to demonstrate that despite the attempts to suppress their efforts, Republicans have been correct all along in their pursuit of the facts. And the timing may work quite well to their advantage, because lately many in the usual united mainstream press seem to be losing their willingness to help cover up the growing mass of this administration’s mistakes.
On another, but similar subject, yesterday Rush Limbaugh offered a tongue-in-cheek solution to how a sale of the LA Clippers basketball team could be arranged, now that their owner Donald Sterling’s been banned from the NBA for life.
El Rushbo said, “Vladimir Putin is reassembling the Soviet Union. Hey! I have it! How about sell the Clippers to Putin? That's it, folks!  Sell the Clippers to Putin!  Oh, yeah.  We already have a Russian oligarch that owns the Brooklyn Nets.  Let Putin have the Clippers! Oh, is that not brilliant?  Have I not come up with the solution for everybody?  Vlad Putin, the new owner of the LA Clippers. 
By the way, we know Vladimir Putin's interested in sports 'cause he stole Robert Kraft's Super Bowl ring.  You heard about that?  Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, showed Putin his Super Bowl ring and Putin took it.  Now, Kraft claims he gave it back, but the jury's still out on whether Kraft was just being properly politic.  Putin may have made off with Kraft's Super Bowl ring.’
The sad thing is that while Rush continues to frame situations brilliantly, his show’s so commercial heavy I haven’t tuned in for seven or eight years though a listener from day one. Facebook posts written recaps, however, so I still get many of the key stories in print. 
While Rush was lampooning Russia’s expansion and growth, Financial Times on-line reported that “The US is on the brink of losing its status as the world’s largest economy, and is likely to slip behind China this year, sooner than widely anticipated, according to the world’s leading statistical agencies. 
The US has been the global leader since overtaking the UK in 1872. Most economists previously thought China would pull ahead in 2019.”
And here’s the most incredible part, “In 2005, the ICP thought China’s economy was less than half the size of the US, accounting for only 43 per cent of America’s total. Because of the new methodology – and the fact that China’s economy has grown much more quickly – the research placed China’s GDP at 87 per cent of the US in 2011.”
So, what that means is that aided by the stagnation and growth loss caused by policies of the current administration, the U.S. has seen China quickly pass it economy-wise by almost 60%, while U.S. worldwide leadership status has been lost for the first time in 142 years. Therefore, its highly unlikely that any dedicated enemy could be more harmful to the nation than that.
That’s it for today folks.

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