Monday, April 14, 2014


Two items today illustrate clearly that no matter the subject, politicians care far more about image and winning than any principle, theory, or true concern for citizens at all.
The Associated Press via Fox News on-line, reports that Senator Rand Paul says potential White House rival Jeb Bush was “inarticulate” when he described immigrants who come to the United States illegally as committing an "act of love," merely trying to provide for their families.
Paul went on to say that, those immigrants "are not bad people" but added the United States "can't invite the whole world" inside its borders. Further suggesting that Bush should have kept his focus on controlling the U.S. borders.
In this case, Paul who’s ordinarily quite outspoken and definitive, seemed to have chosen his words very carefully. Whereas by acknowledging that illegals aren’t necessarily evil or criminals, he’s likely leaving the possibility open of some kind of softening of his position down the road. Depending on how the immigration wind is blowing then, if or when he needs minority votes.
Then, of course, it’s a new day so there’s another comment from outgoing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius. 
On a Sunday talk show, she said, “Clearly, the estimate that it was ready to go Oct. 1 was just flat-out wrong.” And that, the roughly first eight weeks of the glitch-filled rollout was the low point of her five years as secretary.
“Still, she defended the President Obama's signature law, arguing millions of Americans now have access to health care because of it.”
So, here we have a government hack who oversaw a program devised simply for its political value, which due to incompetency and management failure negatively affects twenty percent of the nation’s budget and 80% of the population. All to pander to 5 million others who don’t seem all that excited about signing up either.
And now that Sibelius is on the way out, she has no qualms about admitting freely that her prior estimates and status reports were totally mistaken. She also seems to have no remorse whatsoever regarding the damage caused to health care insurance customers harmed by the new taxes’ implementation. Which goes to underline the damage incurred when politics is the driving force, instead of rational economic practice. 
Then, in keeping with her consistently inferior performance, Breitbart reports that “Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius misspelled the name of her successor, Sylvia Burwell, in her final goodbye email to her HHS coworkers… ‘As you’ve no doubt heard by now, in the coming months I will be passing the baton to my friend and colleague, Sylvia Burrell [sic]...I've worked closely with Sylvia in her role as director of OMB…”
Which, I guess, confirms quite clearly the capability of the one the administration selected to head up the biggest government program ever attempted. 
That's it for today folks.

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